When a guy runs hot and cold on you, it's highly likely that he's insecure. He is blowing hot when he's feeling strong emotions about you. After the first few months of dating, he begins to panic. He gets anxious that you don't like him as much as he does.
Guys sometimes blow hot and cold when they are overwhelmed by their emotions. This can actually be a result of them liking you a lot. It's possible that he is feeling scared by his own emotions and doesn't know how to handle them.
Hot and cold behaviour is a manifestation of mixed signals — some indication that a person likes us, followed by something that can be interpreted as the opposite. That word interpreted is crucial because these signals can be real or imaginary — you are the person who assigns meaning to them.
One of the obvious reasons why a guy may ignore or act disinterested in you is because he feels you are too good for him. He lacks the confidence to approach you or share his feelings with you, fearing you might reject him. He feels that sharing his true feelings might ruin your friendship with him.
He may have detected that you're interested in more than just hooking up, and he's trying to back away slowly. His sudden lack of interest could signal he wants to end things, or that he wants to keep you at a distance. Either way, if he's not interested in more than sex, and you are, it's probably not a good match.
Do guys distance themselves when they like a girl or guy? Yes, if they are not convinced the person loves them as much as they love that person. Some men might like you but don't want to look desperate. They believe you might want to take them for granted.
The guy will enjoy talking to you about his day and ask about yours. He might not always reach out first, but sometimes, he will. If he never calls or texts you first and only responds when you try to initiate a conversation, it is a clear sign he is not interested in you.
Many guys hate failing and feeling inadequate. They often don't have the speed of words to compete with their partner in a conflict. Men's emotional processing capacity is often much slower than their partner. Whilst being silent is a sign of a man's need to process it is also a way to avoid the feelings of defeat.
Have you ever heard the saying 'blowing hot and cold'? This is an expression that I use to describe a form of behaviour that is both manipulative and destructive. If it is easily spotted, you can break yourself from the destructive cycle.
An emotionally unavailable man has a difficult time knowing how to engage in the real-stuff conversations. In some instances, he may have some capacity to listen, but is emotionally shutting that part of himself down so that you don't get too close. If that's the case, you will likely feel shut down and alone.
A hot-cold empathy gap is a cognitive bias in which people underestimate the influences of visceral drives on their own attitudes, preferences, and behaviors. It is a type of empathy gap. The most important aspect of this idea is that human understanding is "state-dependent".
As a result, guys might start acting and thinking more like their crush. Although it doesn't happen to everyone, falling in love can cause some of the wildest behaviour. It is similar to the strange things that men do when they are infatuated in a one-sided relationship.
Called the “rubber band” or the male intimacy cycle, it's when a man vacillates between being close to his partner and pulling away. Men do this for many reasons. The most important reason is to connect with their more masculine side and to focus on the activities that make them a good provider and partner.
It could be a personality disorder, some type of depression, or even bipolar mood swings. When guys self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, they become even more closed off and distant. If you really care about him, try talking to him about it and see if you can get an honest answer out of him.
Men may feel anxious and just decide that it is easier to remain silent than to say something in the heat of the moment they might later regret. Silence can be a means of taking a little space after a conflict when it is difficult to find the right words.
If he likes you, he'll try to compliment you as much as possible because he wants to make you feel good about yourself. He will think that your hair looks nice, your outfit is really cute, or that your laugh is “the most adorable thing in the world.” He thinks everything about you is absolutely perfect.
In general, he just seems to be energetically drawn to you in the room—as if his focus, body language, and general energy all just seem to be kind of focused on you. Even when he's off talking to someone else, there still seems to be the vibe that he's paying attention to you.
Men tend to give you mixed signals when they are either not interested and planning to keep you as backup, are confused about what they want or even playing around. This behaviour can be very frustrating and it gets difficult to deal with that hot and cold attitude. So, to deal with such annoying mixed signals.
Mixed signals can definitely mean that the other person isn't going all in on you, but that's not the only answer at play. Often, those who give off mixed signals have avoidant attachment styles, a learned coping strategy where the person shies away from closeness and intimacy because it makes them uncomfortable.