The answer is that the environment where people live in shape their behaviors. In other words the behaviors of certain society is derived from its environment. Surely, a person who lives in a dessert would behave differently; than a person who lives in a city due to the differences in their environment.
Social forces influence people's judgments. People want to belong to a group, or want to avoid disagreeing with others, and so they modify their judgments to fit in more with what the group says.
They may wish to fit in by imitating others, feel constrained by being observed, become excited by the noise and actions of the crowd, or may respond to local conditions and culture. An odd example is that in different countries pedestrians step right or left when meeting others on a crowded street.
In any conflict situation, different people behave differently - depending on the situation, their view of themselves, their ability to contribute to the situation, and the behaviour/participation of others in the conflict.
People behave as they do in response to the way they are treated, and in response to situational influences experienced throughout life. Consequently, individuals are shaped by their own perceptions that were formed due to environmental conditioning.
The different behavior of different people in same situation also include mental strength and the ability to make decisions, the self-confidence, understanding the situation around him and planning ability, however these characteristics in human being varies by nature and only available in machines, even machines now a ...
Groups Produce Conformity
In modern times, groups protect us from loneliness and/or purposelessness. By conforming, we demonstrate our willingness to be a part of the group, thus increasing the likelihood the group will protect us.
Everyone does it sometimes. You act differently at a funeral than you do at a party. You speak differently around your sheltered grandma than you do around your buddies. Things like that are easy enough to do and just considerate.
Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed.
Social norms dictate the behavior that is appropriate or inappropriate for each role. Each social role has scripts that help humans learn the sequence of appropriate behaviors in a given setting.
In public, there is a code of conduct which is expected of us. It is what society expects and we adjust accordingly. It is a different situation and we approach it in a different way. So this is why people behave different when they get out in public.
Answer and Explanation: Group behavior and individual behavior differ in numerous ways. Individual behavior is often more rational in the sense that a person can think things through independently. By contrast, in groups, behavior often becomes emotional, as people react to each other and try to fit in.
Modern psychologists believe that individual differences are caused by both heredity and environment. Personality is the outcome of mutual interaction between heredity and environment.
Individuals differ from one another due to the interplay between heredity and the environment. 'Hereditary and Environment' are complementary in determining the development of an individual as: all the mental and social traits depend on the environment.
Personality changes can be caused by a mental illness like depression, bipolar disorder, or personality disorders. It may also be caused by physical illnesses like a urinary tract infection (especially in older adults), concussion, or brain tumor. Understanding the cause can help create an effective treatment.
Most likely it's because your friend is concerned with what others think about them. This is about their self-doubts, it's like “if other people see me a particular way, then I'll feel better about myself”, and they have some idea in their head about how they want to be seen by others.
People can also change their personality based on who they're around. If the person you're with makes you uncomfortable, you're not likely to be very talkative and offer up good conversation.
Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect work, school, and other daily activities. It can even make it hard to make and keep friends.
A pattern of not speaking up in groups is often due to a fear of being judged, a core belief that we're somehow flawed, and an underestimate of our social skills. Often, it's not that we are lacking social skills, it's that we need to address underlying thoughts and behaviors that maintain our avoidance of speaking up.
Group members don't contribute or put in the time to showing up and meeting deadlines. We have different schedules and meeting up is very difficult. I don't get along/like the people in my group. Group members are confused and working in a group exacerbates the confusion.
Different people often react differently to the same situations. In psychology, it is referred to as Individual differences. Explanation: Individual differences are the psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another.
the term for the differing personalities of a person depending on who they're interacting with is called a "persona". The fact that there are personas is just part of being a social species.
Individual differences are primary; group differences are secondary. The individual is the biological and societal unit that develops, that learns, that thinks, that wants, that feels, that acts. The group is a collection of individuals – sometimes just that, sometimes with a structure of its own.
A group has the potential to collect more complete information, compared to an individual, while making decisions. An individual uses his own intuition and views. A group has many members, so its many views and many approaches result in better decision-making.