While the desire to keep playing is the most common reason dogs refuse to return home, there could be other factors at play here. Your dog may be dealing with car sickness or remembering that last week, you took them to the groomers right after their outing.
The good news is that there usually isn't a medical reason for dogs not wanting to come indoors. So, if your inside dog suddenly wants to stay outside, it could be because they've made a new friend, want to protect your home, or are naturally outdoorsy.
He may need to go out, feel he is done with his business and wants to come back in only to realize he is bored inside and wants back out. He may be out, and while the yard is fun, he may miss you and want back in. Dogs will sit by the door, whine, bark, and maybe even scratch the door when they want in or out.
Neurological conditions such as seizures, viruses (such as Distemper) can cause your dog to act scared and shake. Neurological conditions cause involuntary shaking and seizing which can be very scary for your dog and cause them to show fear and to shake uncontrollably.
While experiencing different levels of fear is normal for all dogs, in some dogs, fears can become irrational and develop into intense and persistent phobias. “These phobias might be genetically programmed into them or they could develop due to previous negative experiences,” Dr. Roberts said.
To a new dog, there are many things happening all at once: he has to get used to new sights, new smells, new noises, and new people touching him. This can be overwhelming and intimidating. If the dog was an outdoor dog previously, there are many new stimuli in the home that can be frightening.
Why Isolating Himself Occurs in Dogs. Your dog may be isolating himself because of a mental or physical condition, the reason of which could vary. Anxieties and fears are commonly seen in dogs, and can develop due to a number of reasons, such as poor socialization or trauma.
Not only do dogs love being outdoors because it offers them a sense of that hereditary freedom, but they also can roam and explore. They love a change of scenery. Particularly if your dog has been at home throughout the day, a chance to get outside allows their senses to reawaken in a whole new way.
You need an incentive to encourage your dog to come back - a really tasty treat or a fun game with a toy. Show your dog the toy or food. Run away a couple of paces then call your dog's name and say "come" in a friendly, exciting tone - getting down low can also encourage them to come back.
Start by making sure your dog can follow a command with no distractions. Then, work on the command with people in the environment talking, eating, engaging with each other. Then, work on the command out in the yard and start with minimal distractions and work up to more significant distractions.
The reasons your dog may not be listening might be medical in nature, but most often, if your dog will not come to you or ignores you completely, it is because of a training or a behavioral issue. Once you feel you have ruled out potential illness, training and conditioning your dog will improve his recall ability.
Exercise and play: Dogs are naturally active and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Going outside allows them to run, play, and explore, which can be very rewarding for them.
One possible cause of sudden distant behavior in dogs is illness or injury. The illness may be neurological, like cognitive dysfunction, where your dog has difficulty recognizing you. Other possible causes include changes in routine, stress, anxiety, or depression, or break of trust because the owner punished them.
Dogs can get depression, and it's most often caused by big changes, such as the loss of a significant human or an environmental change (such as a move). Depressed dogs may show symptoms such as a lack of interest in activities, loss of appetite, increased irritability, and unusually clingy or needy behavior.
Raised hackles are an undeniable physical sign of your dog's discomfort. Pacing: Your pet might walk back and forth nervously if feeling stressed. Shaking or trembling: This behavior is an obvious sign of dog stress. Whining, barking, or growling: Your pet will often “talk” to you when feeling uncomfortable.
But if you have a dog going through their first year of life, the most common ages where we see the signs of a fear period are between 8-11 weeks of age, and between 6-14 months of age. Both periods can be expected to last between 2-3 weeks.
Dogs can become stressed because they are bored, frustrated, scared or anxious. You may also be feeling a bit stressed by the coronavirus restrictions in place.
Being forced into an unfamiliar and frightening experience. Being deprived of social and environmental exposure until 14 weeks of age. Phobias and panic: history of not being able to escape or get away from the stimulus causing the phobia and panic, such as being locked in crate.
Dog massages, snuggles and a good brushing can help distract a dog from its triggers and make it easier for them to feel safe and at ease. Mentally stimulating toys can provide a distraction for pets experiencing anxiety, hyperactivity and boredom.
Dog aggression can be related to fear, prey drive, socialization issues, and guarding territory, among other things. Most aggressive behavior in dogs stems from fear and anxiety, rather than the desire to hurt others. A certified animal behaviorist can help you safely deal with your dog's aggressive behavior.
The reasons for this are numerous, ranging from just an age related phase, not adequate training, fear, or just simple distraction issues. The first step a frustrated owner should take is to try to assess WHY their dog is not taking a command, as the solution differs for each reason.