“Baby talk signals closeness, is a method of 'mirroring' to evoke positive emotions, and fosters secure attachment with one another,” says Dr. Hall. “It indicates a desire to nurture your partner and the bond between you two.”
Whether you baby-talk or not, it's been quite enlightening to realize that many adults do it, for a myriad of different reasons. Whether they do it out of vulnerability, emotional closeness, or a regression back to simpler times, perhaps it is healthy, even if it's socially frowned upon.
Baby talk isn't just a way to create intimacy in a relationship — it actually means your relationship is healthy. “Baby talk or private couple's speak is really about nurturing your partner and strengthening the bond between you both,” behavioral scientist Clarissa Silva tells Elite Daily.
A bystander listening in might be flummoxed. But to the couple, it's a sign of their bond—a boundary that sets them apart from everyone else. Pet names like “sweet pie” and “nugget” are a part of this, and they've been shown to signal greater relationship satisfaction among couples.
Baby talk may be used as a form of flirtation between sexual or romantic partners.
You'll know that she loves you if she prioritizes you, chooses you first, sees you as the prize, displays affection for you, and respects you. You'll feel the chemistry. It'll feel like energy pulling her toward you. The relationship will feel magnetic and natural.
She explained that younger children tend to use this form of vocal regression to cope with anxiety, when they are feeling overwhelmed or battling intrusive, distressing emotions and thoughts. For older children, she said, “it can stem from low self-esteem or is used to seek attention from peers and/or adults.”
A study from the Kinsey Institute found that two-thirds of couples use baby talk with each other. Now, to be clear, this is when they are talking to one another, not talking to babies. INSKEEP: Not even talking to their dogs. KING: (Laughter).
“In psychoanalytic theory, individuals revert their behavior to an earlier stage of development, and they may mimic childish mannerisms as well as speech. It is actually very common and most couples resort to it when they want to either display vulnerability or as a way to get closer in a very intimate manner.”
According to a 2013 study, men prefer women with higher-pitched voices because it signals that the woman has a small body size (sigh). Likewise, women reportedly prefer men with low-pitched voices, signalling a larger frame.
Making nonsense words and adopting fake terms for things (e.g., sip-sip for a cup and the act of drinking) can hinder language development and even slow down your baby's learning.
In fact, a study by the Kinsey Institute found that two thirds of all couples indulge in baby talk as a way to express intimate affection. Yet the response to baby talk is wildly divisive: some people are really ticked off by it while others find it unimaginably comforting.
Regression is a normal and temporary condition for children, and it can be a coping mechanism for stress and untreated trauma in adults. Examples of regressive behaviors include baby talk, thumb-sucking, and temper tantrums. These behaviors can be voluntary or involuntary.
Whether you think it's cute, or it makes you squirm, “baby talk” is a compelling scientific phenomenon. All around the world, people use a special register when they speak to the very young. This “infant-directed speech,” or IDS, is recognizable for its higher pitch and more melodic, emotionally-charged tone.
Infantile speech, pedolalia, baby talk, infantile perseveration, or infantilism is a speech disorder, persistence of early speech development stage beyond the age when it is normally expected.
Immature love has a hard time with balance. The partners are either wrapped up in their common interests or intense sexual chemistry. They don't focus on a balance so much as giving in to any and all cravings — the relationship forms in a one-sided way that is hard to come back from.
An emotionally immature partner will expect you to do everything for them or you may find yourself asking them multiple times. They may get defensive or say you are nagging them. They may often forget to do things or say they are not sure what needs to be done.
to treat (someone) like a baby; pamper or overprotect. Derived forms.
Parents can use baby talk when going about everyday activities, saying things like, “Where are your shoooes?,” “Let's change your diiiiaper,” and “Oh, this tastes goooood!,” emphasizing important words and speaking slowly using a happy tone of voice.
And, of course, there are several topics that couples should discuss regularly to keep their marriage happy and healthy: finances, their sex life, their day, the issues they're facing. While they might seem insignificant or, let's face it, a bit boring, they're essential to making sure you're on the same wavelength.
Baby talk shouldn't be a huge cause for concern. Sometimes it stems from a stressful situation, such as having a new baby in the home. Other times, children revert to baby talk because they miss being a young child and they want to be coddled again.
The real purpose (and benefit) of baby talk is to bolster the social interaction between parent and child. Shifting our style of speech forces us to pay more attention to what we say and, therefore, to the person we're talking to. The topic and details of the conversation don't matter much.
If you sound like a child, it is most likely that you are not using enough diaphragm support to release your singing voice in a relaxed mode; instead you constrict your throat more, in order to squeeze out your voice.