But pregnancy isn't the only reason your period could be delayed. Common reasons you may miss a period when you aren't pregnant include hormonal birth control, hormone-related health conditions, stress, and perimenopause.
However, healthy cycles typically range from 21 to 35 days (three to five weeks). Unless a medical condition causes irregular cycles, most women probably have at least a rough idea of when to expect their next period. A period is considered late if it has not started within seven days (one week) of when it is expected.
But pregnancy isn't the only reason your period could be delayed. Common reasons you may miss a period when you aren't pregnant include hormonal birth control, hormone-related health conditions, stress, and perimenopause.
Menstrual irregularities, such as missed or late periods, occur in 14–25% of women of childbearing age. They can result from a range of conditions besides pregnancy, including hormonal imbalances, hormonal birth control, stress, weight loss, trauma, and certain health conditions.
If the stress is acute, your period might only be a few days late, but some people who experience severe chronic stress can go months without getting a period.
Periods can be late for all kinds of reasons, like weight changes, increase in exercise, hormones, and stress. It's also really common for periods to change in timing and flow during the first few years of your menstrual cycle, while your body develops and settles into a pattern.
Menstrual irregularities are common. Some people worry that they are pregnant or have a medical condition if they miss their period, but many other factors can contribute to a delay. Hormonal imbalances, stress, and weight loss, for example, can all play a role.
Vitamin C-rich fruits
This can in turn prepone periods or induce them. Pineapple is another Vitamin-C rich fruit which can reduce inflammation-which is also considered to be responsible for causing irregular periods. Other Vitamin-c rich fruits include oranges, lemon, kiwi and mangoes.
Some medical bodies suggest taking the test on the first day a period should have occurred. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes that the results on this day may not be accurate for 10–20% of people. Instead, they suggest taking a test 1–2 weeks after missing a period.
There are many reasons your period could be late other than pregnancy. Stress, illness, and changes in weight or nutrition can all affect your menstrual cycle. If you're taking hormonal birth control or took emergency contraception, that can also change your period.
The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.
Discharge before a period tends to be cloudy or white, due to the increased presence of progesterone, a hormone involved in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
In reality, there's no proven way to stop periods immediately once they have started. However, certain strategies and medications can help lighten your menstrual flow and relieve period-related symptoms. This can help you feel more comfortable and free during your periods.
It's best to schedule an appointment with a medical provider to confirm pregnancy test results around the eighth-week mark after a missed period. Some women may need to see a physician sooner if they experience any of the following symptoms. Pregnancy changes the body, starting from the moment of conception.
Top things to know about why your period might be late:
If you've had unprotected sex and your period is 10 or more days late, you should take a pregnancy test and talk to a healthcare provider regardless of the result. Speak to a healthcare provider if you haven't had a period for more than 90 days.