If you've ever found small, white, or dark worms in your mattress, you may have an issue with mattress worms. These creatures are actually the larvae of several different insects, including carpet beetles and fleas.
Bed worms can land in your bed in one of two ways: either eggs were laid in or on the bed by a mature parasite, or the worms were carried to the bed by a human or animal previously exposed to the worms or their eggs. Fleas and bed bugs are attracted to beds because host humans spend so much time there.
The white worms in your bed are most likely maggots, which can be cream or pale white. This grub is attracted to rotting matter, such as garbage, and lays eggs as small as rice grains. Larvae don't naturally feed on the animal fabric, so they can't show up in your bed by themselves.
Bed worms are not particular bugs but insect larvae, like carpet beetles and moths. Despite established opinions, these parasites don't live exclusively on beds, but you can find them in numerous dark and humid places in your home.
Maggots are fly larvae, usually of the common housefly and also the bluebottle. Flies are attracted to food and other rubbish; they lay their eggs on the rubbish; later the eggs hatch into maggots. You will only have a problem with maggots if flies can get to your waste.
Try a salt kill
Maggots need water to thrive and survive, and salt is a natural dehydrator. Dowse the creepy crawlies with a large amount of table salt to dry them out. Once they are dead, sweep the maggots into a plastic bag and dispose of them. Make sure to wash the area they infested thoroughly!
Health Risks of Maggots
In general, maggots are not dangerous to healthy individuals. However, maggots can infect human tissue and cause a disease called myiasis. Symptoms of myiasis vary depending on the location and severity of the infestation, and it can affect both humans and animals.
Bed bug eggs resemble grains of rice, but much smaller. Most are pearly white-gray in color with an elongated oval shape that's only about 1 millimeter long. At the front end of each egg is a hinged cap, which opens up to create an opening that a newly hatched bed bug nymph comes out of.
Maggots often appear in the home when old, rotting food is left out or in the bin for long periods of time. Make sure you stop maggots from infesting by removing over-ripe or rotting food quickly and make sure you keep your dustbin lined and clean every day.
Answer. If the “worms” are limited to your kitchen and are crawling up walls and along ceilings, it's a good bet that they are Indianmeal moth larvae. The other white worms (in that size range) that can be found in kitchens are fly maggots, but those do not have legs.
The easiest way is to look at the larvae of each species: Bed bug larvae look like little worms, while carpet beetle larvae look like miniature fuzzy caterpillars. These pests also have a few habits that set them apart from each other: Carpet beetles devour fabrics like carpet, wool, and other natural materials.
If flies settle on your rubbish, they may lay eggs which can hatch as maggots within 24 hours. While maggots and flies can become a problem any time of the year, they are especially prevalent during spring and summer when flies are more active.
Dust Mites
They thrive in warm and humid environments and are usually present in mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, and curtains. As scavengers, they don't directly feed on humans as bedbugs do. Instead, they feed on dead skin, pet dander, pollen, and bacteria.
Pinworms, also known as threadworms, are tiny white or light gray worms that cause the common infection called enterobiasis. Usually found in children, pinworm can be treated with anti-parasitic medications that do not require a prescription.
Fly maggots (or white worms) live for an average of 14-21 before becoming full-fledged flies.
Pinworm infection is spread by the fecal-oral route, that is by the transfer of infective pinworm eggs from the anus to someone's mouth, either directly by hand or indirectly through contaminated clothing, bedding, food, or other articles.
Maggots are a sign of dirty, polluted environment or unattended, spoiled food and exposed garbage bins. This means, even if your place is well maintained and clean, if there are garbage bins or food sources that flies can access, maggots can appear.
You can vacuum maggots, but you must thoroughly clean everything that comes into contact with the maggot or larvae, including your vacuum, attachments, rollers, and hoses.
The color of bed bug eggs ranges from pearly white to pale yellow. Unhatched eggs are somewhat translucent, while hatched eggs are hollow and almost entirely transparent. Freshly laid bed bug eggs sometimes have a shiny appearance, due to the sticky, glue-like liquid that female bed bugs use to cover their eggs.
Bed bug eggs are small, white, or semi-translucent colored, and difficult to spot with the naked eye. They are usually found in clusters, and they look similar to a piece of uncooked white rice. If you spot shaded egg shells, the bed bugs will be active and an infestation could more than likely occur.
Bed bug eggs are very small in size (about 1 mm in length) and white to pearl-white in color. They resemble a pinhead or a grain of salt and are shaped like a barrel.
In most cases, you can usually get rid of maggots using boiling water alone. However, in a particularly bad infestation, pest control expert Nicholas Martin suggests mixing bleach 50/50 with water before pouring it onto maggots to get rid of them instantly.
Virtually all insects hatch out young which will start its life as some type of worm-like creature. Fly larva – or maggots as they are more commonly known – will almost always be white. They might have a tan, brown or black head but most people just see white.
White maggots reveal the troubling issues you face in your waking life. These issues weigh on your mind daily, and you want to be free of them. White maggots could also mean that those dear to you will encounter challenges. Dreaming of red maggots could be the ray of sunshine you need in life.