The soil on many farms is oversaturated and can't dry out in cold, wet conditions. It's not just lettuce, either. Some retailers have reported shortages of other leafy greens, including fresh herbs and baby spinach. Beans, cauliflower, zucchini and more are also being affected in some areas.
However, fortunately for our farmers, there's no longer a lettuce shortage in Australia. It has gone back being a regular household item that costs less than $50 at a supermarket.
Most of the United States' iceberg and romaine lettuce supply is grown in central California's warm climate areas. However, in the fall of 2022, lettuce in this region was infected with impatiens necrotic spot virus, an insect-borne virus that damaged over 50% of farmers' crops.
Iceberg lettuce is being stripped off Australian supermarket shelves as the salad staple soars to $12 each amid widespread shortages brought on by a perfect storm of energy price rises, freight costs, extreme weather events and the ongoing pandemic.
For anyone suddenly craving a lettuce wrap, the end of the shortage could be near. According to Business Insider, the ordeal may come to an end later this month or as late as January, when lettuce from southern California and Arizona, two regions less impacted by crop disease, becomes available.
Lettuce is grown all over Australia however the main lettuce production regions in Australia are the Lockyer Valley and Eastern Darling Downs (SE Qld); Hay and Central West (NSW); Lindenow and Robinvale (Vic); Manjimup and Gingin (WA); Virginia (SA) and Cambridge, Richmond and Devonport (Tas).
Lettuce is grown in most districts of NSW with the bulk of field production centred in the three main growing areas of Sydney Basin, Murrumbidgee and Central West. Lettuce is sown and harvested all year round using both field and hydroponic systems.
Mason Brothers Vegetable Farms is one of the largest producers of quality fennel, lettuce and broccoli in Australia.
Iceberg is spherical, with tightly-packed, crisp leaves wrapped around each other. Valued for its crunchy texture and mild flavour, the versatile iceberg lettuce is the number one lettuce sold in Australia.
Harmful germs sometimes found on leafy greens include E. coli, norovirus, Salmonella, Listeria, and Cyclospora.
Vegetable farming doesn't pay much in Australia. The average return is just short of 4%, less than the average super fund. As a result, small farmers have been selling up to larger producers. Transport, fertilisers, labour and industry concentration all point to a step up in prices, with little relief in sight.
The top ranked country, China, accounted for 53.2 % of lettuce and chicory production in the world. The top 3 countries hold a 69.9 % share while the ten largest countries some 87.3 % in 2021. Data for more countries are available at Lettuce and Chicory Production indicator page.
There are several sources of the Lettuce mosaic virus. Since the virus is seedborne in lettuce, infected seed is a primary way of introducing lettuce mosaic to fields. The virus can infect numerous crops and weeds, thereby creating reservoirs of the virus.
During summer, most of our lettuce is grown at the Darling Downs property and winter, in the Lockyer Valley. The Bathurst property provides a valuable climatic variation – its cooler there and, also closer to the Sydney market.
Most Lettuces can be grown all year round, however, they are more prone to bolting (going to seed) in the summer. Ensure your Lettuce plants are well watered - you may need to check on them every morning and afternoon in hot weather.
Lettuce shortage forces KFC to offer cabbage in Australia.
The leaves towards the heart of the lettuce are the freshest, and those are exactly the ones we use for our famous chopped iceberg lettuce.
So, to answer your question, the most nutritious lettuce is Romaine. Compared to red leaf, green leaf, butterhead (Boston and bib types) and iceberg, it delivers more folate, potassium, beta carotene and lutein.
At Macca's, we're as invested in the future of Aussie farming as we are in the present. Meet Brad Egan, this year's Young Farmer of the Year. We love the unique flavour and crisp texture of Iceberg and Cos lettuce. Grown by farmers in NSW, QLD, SA and VIC*.
Based in sunny Queensland, Coastal Hydroponics has been supplying Coles with spinach and salad leaves for 28 years.
Lettuce is the only member of the genus Lactuca to be grown commercially. Although China is the top world producer of lettuce, the majority of the crop is consumed domestically. Spain is the world's largest exporter of lettuce, with the US ranking second.
... It is a crop species widely cultivated as a fresh-cut vegetable and the most popular ingredient in salads. China is the greatest producer of lettuce in the world, while U.S. and Western Europe cultivate 22% and 13% of all lettuce globally, respectively [2] .
China was the largest producer of lettuce in the world in 2019 followed by the United States and India. China was the largest producer of lettuce in the world in 2019 followed by the United States and India. China produced more than 16 million metric tons of lettuce in 2019.
Lettuce is a very easy crop to grow. Simply plant and water as required. Harvest when needed and keep sowing or planting fortnightly to extend your harvest and to ensure you have ample lettuce all year round.
Featuring a fresh and crisp mix of iceberg lettuce, cabbage, carrot and cos lettuce, Woolworths Iceberg Lettuce Mix contains 100% Australian-grown produce sourced from our trusted farmers and partners.