Without a moon the tilt of our earth's axis would vary over time. This could create some very wild weather. Right now, thanks to our moon, our axis stays tilted at twenty-three point five degrees. But without the moon the earth might tilt too far over or hardly tilt at all leading to no seasons or even extreme seasons.
It is the pull of the Moon's gravity on the Earth that holds our planet in place. Without the Moon stabilising our tilt, it is possible that the Earth's tilt could vary wildly. It would move from no tilt (which means no seasons) to a large tilt (which means extreme weather and even ice ages).
The tides we enjoy today get about two-thirds of their movement from the Moon. On a moonless Earth, the oceans would still move beneath the sway of the Sun's gravity, but it would be much smaller. As a result, coastal regions and environments might be pretty drastically changed.
At more temperate latitudes, the rings would look like a giant arch, crossing from one end of the sky to the other. These glittering rings would neither rise nor set, and would always appear in the exact same place in the sky. These cosmic landmarks would be visible both day and night.
With no sunlight, photosynthesis would stop, but that would only kill some of the plants—there are some larger trees that can survive for decades without it. Within a few days, however, the temperatures would begin to drop, and any humans left on the planet's surface would die soon after.
The gravitational pull of the moon moderates Earth's wobble, keeping the climate stable. That's a boon for life. Without it, we could have enormous climate mood swings over billions of years, with different areas getting extraordinarily hot and then plunging into long ice ages.
Theia is a hypothesized ancient planet in the early Solar System that, according to the giant-impact hypothesis, collided with the early Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, with some of the resulting ejected debris gathering to form the Moon.
It wouldn't be good. At the Equator, the earth's rotational motion is at its fastest, about a thousand miles an hour. If that motion suddenly stopped, the momentum would send things flying eastward. Moving rocks and oceans would trigger earthquakes and tsunamis.
During a lunar eclipse, the Moon turns red because the only sunlight reaching the Moon passes through Earth's atmosphere. The more dust or clouds in Earth's atmosphere during the eclipse, the redder the Moon will appear. It's as if all the world's sunrises and sunsets are projected onto the Moon.
Remarkably, life on Earth only has a billion or so years left. There is some uncertainty in the calculations, but recent results suggest 1.5 billion years until the end. That is a much shorter span of time than the five billion years until the planet is engulfed by the Sun.
Everything on Earth would die. The only way to survive this collision would be to leave Earth. The Moon and Earth would both be destroyed; the Earth would probably be split into numerous smaller pieces.
Although you might think it would be cool, humans could not live on the moon! (Maybe one day in the future…) The moon has almost no atmosphere, so there's no air for us to breathe. There is no water on the moon either, and we need to drink water to survive.
The bomb would explode on the appropriately named Terminator Line – the border between the light and dark side of the Moon – to create a bright flash of light that anyone, but particularly anyone in the Kremlin, could see with the naked eye. The absence of an atmosphere meant there wouldn't be a mushroom cloud.
(This will happen in 10 billion years.) And, in all likelihood, Earth and the Moon will not survive the Sun settling into its twilight years.
In about 5 billion years, if the moon keeps drifting away from Earth at its current rate of retreat, the moon will have moved about another 117,000 miles (189,000 km) away when it gets consumed by the red giant sun, Broome said. All in all, the moon will not leave Earth, or vice versa.
Eventually, the fuel of the sun - hydrogen - will run out. When this happens, the sun will begin to die. But don't worry, this should not happen for about 5 billion years. After the hydrogen runs out, there will be a period of 2-3 billion years whereby the sun will go through the phases of star death.
The sun only appears to move across the daytime sky because of the rotation of the earth. If we examine the ancient myths, we note that these people incorrectly thought the earth was immovable and the sun moved. So to them it seemed possible, if extraordinary, for a supernatural force to stop the sun.
damage will occur! When you stare directly at the sun—or other types of bright light such as a welding torch—ultraviolet light floods your retina, literally burning the exposed tissue. Short-term damage can include sunburn of the cornea—known as solar keratitis.
Jupiter cannot support life as we know it. But some of Jupiter's moons have oceans beneath their crusts that might support life.
Earth's second moon is a quasi-satellite known as Kamoʻoalewa.