Doctors do sometimes recommend that people under age 60 wait to undergo a knee replacement procedure, because these artificial joints typically last only about 15 to 20 years. If someone younger gets the procedure, it's likely that the joint will need to be replaced again down the line.
“There is no age cutoff for joint replacement,” says Dr. Piuzzi. “Studies have found that people in their 80s and 90s benefit from hip or knee replacement as much as younger people.”
As knee arthritis progresses, the knee becomes much looser and more unstable. In some cases, this is mild. In other cases, it is substantial enough that cause the patient to fall. Patients who have bone-on-bone arthritis and are starting to fall because of it should strongly consider surgery.
You may NOT be a good candidate if:
Your knee symptoms are not related to joint disease. Your weight is too much for the artificial joint to support. You have fragile skin or poor skin coverage over your knee. You have a severe illness or infection.
The takeaway: You're never too old to ask about a knee or hip replacement. These surgeries often transform quality of life: They can relieve severe pain from arthritis and other conditions, and return you to activities that mean the most to you. Plus, the benefits are practically immediate.
Total knee replacement recovery time for the elderly is about twelve weeks. You will likely need a walker or crutches to get around for the first two to three weeks. Within four to six weeks, you should notice a significant decrease in swelling and a significant increase in movement ability.
Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to address arthritis or severe knee damage.
The majority of patients expect to be able to kneel after TKR,2,4,5 however, these expectations are frequently not met,1,6 with between 50% and 80% of patients reporting that they have difficulty kneeling or do not kneel in the months and years after TKR.
How Long Does It Take to Walk After a Full Knee Replacement? In most cases, patients can walk without help from assistive devices like crutches or a walker within six weeks after knee replacement surgery.
TKA patients begin rehabilitation during the seven-day bedrest period, with the goals of decreasing swelling, increasing ROM, promoting normal leg control and promoting normal gait with an assistive device.
The answer: a resounding yes! In fact, people with knee osteoarthritis who walk for exercise are significantly less likely to go on to develop worse pain, according to a 2022 study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology.
When quantifying how much pain there is after surgery, it is relative to the patient. The pain after a knee replacement is typically no worse than one of your worst days before you had surgery. However, you can feel this way for the first two to three weeks after the day of surgery.
NYU Langone doctors often recommend nonsurgical options as a first-line treatment for a knee cartilage injury. These include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and injections into the joint, including steroids; hyaluronic acid, also known as synthetic joint fluid; and platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Within 2-3 weeks post surgery, you should be able to walk a short distance – or for around 10 minutes – without depending on a mobility aid. About 4-6 weeks after surgery, you'll likely be cleared to go back to work as normal, if you have a sedentary occupation.
The first few days after surgery should include the highest level of pain, but your doctor will send you home with pain medication adequate for your pain level. Most people fully recover from knee replacement surgery in about six months.
After your knee replacement surgery, it is important to remember that you should not cross your legs at any time.
Walking. Proper walking is the best way to help your knee recover. At first, you will walk with a walker or crutches. Your surgeon or therapist will tell you how much weight to put on your leg.
Pifer specializes in minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery. This surgical approach involves making multiple small incisions to view and repair the knee. Arthroscopic surgery has many advantages, including a lower complication rate, less damage to surrounding tissue, and faster recovery.
Total knee replacement (total knee arthroplasty) surgery replaces parts of the knee joint with artificial (prosthetic) parts. A major operation (major surgery) is one that usually involves opening the body, major trauma to the tissues, an increased risk of infection, and a longer recovery period.