Showering. Don't shower or wet your bandage for the first 48 hours after surgery. Talk to your doctor about showering with your JP drain in place. Avoid baths, hot tubs, and swimming pools for at least 6 weeks after your surgery.
When Can I Take a Shower After Breast Augmentation Surgery? You may shower 24 hours after surgery, but it is advisable to wait 48 hours to prevent wetting the incision area. After 24 hours, you may remove the dressings except for any skin tapes or steri-strips covering the incisions.
TAKE SHOWER (no tub bath) with soap and water. It is ok to get the incisions wet and soap on them. It helps to have a plastic chair or stool in the shower to sit when you shower. Also it is advisable to have someone else there with you to help.
The first few days following surgery, your breast augmentation post-op care should focus on getting plenty of rest, relaxing, listening to your body, and pampering yourself. For the first 24 to 48 hours, you should also arrange for help from a family member or friend.
Most of the discomfort will be over after the first two or three days, however, you may have some tenderness and soreness, which could last for a few weeks. After the first two days, you may drive a car if you are not taking pain medication and do light housework, such as washing dishes.
Returning to normal activities
In the first 1 to 2 weeks, you can use your arm normally up to shoulder height for light activities, such as face washing, hair brushing and eating. But avoid lifting your arm above the height of your shoulder. Don't lift anything heavy, but you can use your arm to lift a cup of tea.
Usually, after about a week, you can do light activities like household chores and office work. Once you get to week six, you can perform light upper body exercises but should avoid getting too strenuous.
Postoperative swelling can intensify particularly around the 3-5 day mark, potentially amplifying the feeling of pressure on your chest. Typically, you're likely to feel discomfort after breast augmentation surgery for the first couple of weeks but feelings of stiffness can occur for a month or so.
After surgery, the implants tend to ride hide and appear small due to the patient's skin tightness in the area. There is tightness because the implants increase dimension to breast tissue causing the skin to compress the implant's shape and size.
Avoiding post‐operative bathing or showering for two to three days may result in accumulation of sweat and dirt on the body. Conversely, early washing of the surgical wound may have an adverse effect on healing, for example by irritating or macerating the wound, and disturbing the healing environment.
Showering after Plastic Surgery. You should not shower for the first 48 hours after your procedure, as it takes approximately two days for the incision sites to close. In the meantime, if you need to clean yourself, we recommend taking a sponge bath.
Make sure to cover up the incision areas as directed, and to turn away from the shower stream while cleaning yourself. Shower with Lukewarm Water - Hot water and steam can do more harm than good as you heal. Make sure to use cool or lukewarm water when you shower for at least a week or so after surgery.
The type and size of the implant can affect the drop and fluff timeline. The exact process occurs with round and teardrop-shaped implants, but larger implants may drop slightly faster.
On the basis of this study, patients should be advised that 130 to 150 cc equates to a one-cup-size increase. Bras with narrower band widths need 130 cc and wider band widths require 150 cc to increase one cup size.
Some of my Montreal breast augmentation patients complain about stomach bloating after surgery. However, it is important to remember that it is generally not harmful. Maximum swelling usually occurs 3-5 days after your surgery and it will generally go away completely in two weeks and even as early as 5 to 7 days.
Patients should start light walking immediately after surgery – nothing strenuous, just short walks around the room or home every other hour. This is good for the circulation and helps prevent blood clots. After two weeks, patients can start more intense cardio such as walking on a treadmill or walking uphill.
Swelling: Overexerting yourself causes your blood pressure to rise, which exacerbates and prolongs swelling. You will need to spend more time recovering, and the extra swelling can be quite uncomfortable.
3 Days After Surgery
Your breasts will still be squarish in shape, and the nipples will still be pointed downward. Tightness and a compressed feeling will persist. You may continue to experience some slight discomfort. Continue taking it easy and resting.
A sports bra will keep the breasts in place while exercising, but it can be too restrictive when dealing with post-surgery recovery. The breasts can swell a little and a sports bra won't leave any room for this.
We recommend sleeping on your back and a little elevated (like in a recliner chair) for the first 3 weeks after surgery.
Generally speaking, you shouldn't consider going braless for at least six weeks after breast augmentation. Your breasts need to be thoroughly supported during this time to ensure optimal healing. After six weeks, you may occasionally go braless, but try to keep this to special occasions, and don't make it a habit.
If my breast augmentation incisions are in the armpit area, when can I shave or use deodorant? Use spray deoderant for the first 2 weeks (after the first 24 hours), and then go back to what you were using before surgery.
The First Week
For the first 4 to 7 days, you should stay home from work and continue resting as much as possible. Avoid strenuous activity of any kind. By the end of the first week, you should notice your energy coming back to you and your pain and soreness lessening quite a bit.