Earlier explorers from the University of Rochester in New York have already scientifically confirmed that women in red attracts men's attention most of all. It's no secret that red is the color of passion, love, energy, courage.
According to a study from the Univeristy of Manchester, dudes love when women wear red lipstick: The researchers traced the eye movements of men as they checked out women with pink lipstick, no lipstick and red lipstick. Red-mouthed ladies were checked out three times longer than the other women.
Twenty-six men picked the lipstick picture, but the majority opted for the more subtle look. Overall, the men agree they noticed the red lips first, but once they thought about it, they preferred the natural lips. Some even admitted that it was because they can't kiss the lipstick – it's too much.
Meanwhile, in a peer-reviewed study published on Plos ONE, researchers revealed that women wearing makeup, like red lipstick, are perceived by society as more attractive, competent, and socially prestigious.
As erogenous zones, the mouth and lips get a lot of attention from men, so it's only natural for men to be drawn to the highlighted facial feature. It only makes sense that men are often attracted to women's mouths when their lips are colored red.
Earlier explorers from the University of Rochester in New York have already scientifically confirmed that women in red attracts men's attention most of all. It's no secret that red is the color of passion, love, energy, courage.
Full and red lips combined deliver the perfect pout to achieve male fixation but women who wear lipstick regardless of their lip type secure significantly greater levels of attraction than those who do not. "For centuries, women have been painting their lips red to enhance their appeal.
Did you see the article in this week's UK Daily Mail 'Giving pink, purple and orange the kiss off: Red revealed as the sexiest lipstick colour. ' Scientists at the University of Manchester found that red lipstick draws attention to the mouth, most notably from the opposite sex.
It depends on the shade and your outfit. A darker red is generally classier than a really bright bold one.
“The colour red is synonymous with passion, energy and confidence, and sometimes the behaviour of wearing this – whether it be lipstick or even an item of clothing – can make a woman feel these things,” she explains.
The study involved 50 men viewing photos of women wearing red lipstick, pink lipstick or no lipstick at all. Researchers found that the men spent an average of 7.3 seconds staring at the women wearing red lipstick, 6.7 at the pink lipped ladies and only 2.2 seconds at those who wore no lipstick.
Minimal Makeup
"I don't like when a girl wears a lot of makeup, because if she has too much on then it's not really her. A light amount of foundation that matches her skin tone is the best—when it doesn't match the rest of her skin, it looks too fake and not attractive." — Tony C.
That depends on the type of lip product she is wearing. Lipstick (regular) can feel natural, but tend to smear if the kiss is passionate. Lipstick (matte) feels natural and since it is a matifying (read:dry) product it doesn't smear.
Though the history of red lipstick is a long one, it was popularized by the suffragettes in the early 1900s as a symbol of independence, rebellion, and freedom. The brave women fighting for equal rights wanted to shock society with their bold lips, and it worked.
According to research by the University of Rochester, women find men wearing the colour red more sexually attractive than other colours.
Red lipsticks are broken down into three main categories: Blue-Based Red Lipsticks (looks best on cool skin tones and lighter skin, can also appear pink or purple) Orange-Based Red Lipsticks (looks best on warm skin tones, can also appear yellow)
Many seem to think that red lipstick does not look nice on them. This is completely wrong, because there's a shade of red out there for everyone. If you have olive or yellow-toned skin, warm-toned, orange-y reds will look great on you. If you have red or pink-toned skin, blue-based reds will look great on you.
Wearing red lips still empowers women today.
It's chic, elegant, and flattering, but also bold, defiant, undeniably feminine, and visually powerful.
Think about what you're wearing. And that includes accessories. Often a punchy red lip can be the perfect lift to an all-black outfit and a great statement if you're not wearing eye makeup. If you're wearing red, try slightly clashing it with a different tone if you don't want to look too matchy-matchy.
Nude shades that are slightly darker than your natural skin tone are ideal for faking a fuller lip.
The lips have it: Research shows men are drawn to a woman's pout more than any other facial feature. If you want to catch a man's attention, don't bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout. According to a study, a woman's lips are the most attractive part of her body.
So when you meet someone new and notice his eyes, he's actually looking at your lips. A study from Manchester University in the UK shows that in the first 10 seconds of meeting a woman, a man spends about half that time on average checking out her lips. Even longer if she's wearing lipstick.
He is looking at your lips
If his gaze keeps slipping down to your lips while he's talking to you, it's a sign that he is admiring you, fantasising about you and might even want to start a stable, long-term relationship with you," says Madan.