Approximately 2,000 tonnes of horse meat is exported from Australia for human consumption in Japan and Europe annually (ABS figures). Over 25,000 horses per year are killed in this way in Australia.
In Australia there are approximately 30 knackeries that slaughter horses for pet food, and two abattoirs that kill for human consumption of horsemeat.
Australia. Australians do not generally eat horse meat, although they have a horse slaughter industry that exports to EU countries.
Few countries consider horse meat as an acceptable food, and Australia is not one of them.
U.S. horse meat is unfit for human consumption because of the uncontrolled administration of hundreds of dangerous drugs and other substances to horses before slaughter. horses (competitions, rodeos and races), or former wild horses who are privately owned. slaughtered horses on a constant basis throughout their lives.
Thousands of American horses are sent to slaughter every year and the vast majority would be rehomed; not every horse going to slaughter needs to go to rescue. The USDA documented that 92.3 % of horses sent to slaughter are in good condition and are able to live out a productive life.
Racehorses sent to abattoirs.
The RSPCA, however, states about 9000 horses are slaughtered in abattoirs each year in Australia.
Horse slaughter is the way by which irresponsible people get rid of their unwanted horses quickly and for a profit. Every year, tens of thousands of equines from the United States are slaughtered for human consumption to satisfy the taste for horse meat in Europe and Japan where it is considered a delicacy.
These tests revealed that the “beef” in frozen lasagne and spaghetti Bolognese, made by French manufacturer Comigel, was up to 100% horse. Comigel supplied products to Tesco, Aldi and Findus. The investigations into how horsemeat came to be in certain foods then unravelled across Europe.
Most American horses destined for slaughter are transported to EU-regulated plants in Mexico and Canada. Horses, unlike traditional food animals in the United States, are not raised (or medicated) with the intent of becoming human food.
Each year, tens of thousands of American horses are shipped to Mexico and Canada, where they are killed under barbaric conditions so their meat can continue to satisfy the palates of diners in countries such as Italy, France, Belgium, and Japan.
Australian laws require animals to be 'stunned' unconscious prior to having their throats cut. For cattle, this is normally done using a device called a 'captive bolt gun' which delivers a forceful strike to the forehead to induce unconsciousness.
In the 1920s, according to Nestle, slaughterhouses opened pet food companies to dispose of horse meat. It remained a major ingredient in pet food until at least the 1940s. Today, Nestle said, most pet food companies do not profess to use horse meat, partially for fear it would discourage people from buying the product.
Euthanasia with a free bullet
For some horses, a firearm may be the most appropriate method of euthanasia. It is instant and completely pain-free.
Horses going to a knackery will be slaughtered soon after arrival, so care prior to slaughter is the sole responsibility of the most recent owner.
Horse Slaughter is a Federally Regulated Industry. Opponents try to claim that slaughtering horses for human consumption is a states rights issue. However, this is not true. The slaughtering of any animal for human consumption in the US is a federally regulated process.
Equine Crematory/Cemetery Services: Facilities capable of providing cremation and/or burial of horse carcasses. Rendering/Carcass Disposal: Vendors who will pick up and remove deceased horses from an owner's property and dispose of the carcass.
In 2006, by a vote of 263-146, the House of Representatives passed legislation to not only ban horse slaughter in the U.S. but also ban the transport and export of American horses for slaughter.
SUMMARY. (1) China tops the list of countries with the greatest number of horses slaughtered in 2018 (1,589,164 head) representing approximately 32% of the total globally. (2) The top 10 global horse slaughterers by country include about 86% (~ 5 million head) of the world's total.
Australia has an estimated 400 000 feral horses and millions of feral donkeys, mainly in central and northern Australia. Both species cause erosion, spread weeds and compete for pasture with native animals and livestock.
Click here to read our Deathwatch 2022 Report.
At least 139 horses were killed on Australian racetracks in the last racing year. This equates to one horse suffering a painful, life-ending injury in the name of gambling profits every 2.5 days. Click here to read our Deathwatch 2022 Report.
Horsemeat has historically been used by zoological institutions as the base red meat in numerous carnivore diets.
Horse meat is sometimes called equine, cheval, or Caballo. Horse meat is known for being lean, high-protein meat that has been eaten throughout history.
Much to the outrage of many horse racing enthusiasts, reports indicate that in 2002, Ferdinand was sent to slaughter in Japan with no fanfare or notice to previous owners. He likely became either pet food or steaks for human consumption.