So far, Russia and China have displayed an array of hypersonic weapons, with Moscow being the only one thought to have tested them in combat. The United States has also tested hypersonic missiles but lags slightly behind its two rivals.
Russia's repeated use of advanced hypersonic missiles as part of its bombardment of Ukraine may be getting the bulk of the West's attention, but United States defense officials say it is China that has the world's leading hypersonic arsenal.
Not even the U.S. currently has an adequate defense system to take down hypersonic missiles. Air defense systems, such as Patriots and Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, are capable of taking down ballistic missiles that reach hypersonic speeds, but only over small areas.
Moreover, interception of even these bleeding-edge weapons isn't impossible. Existing missile defenses can already intercept missiles traveling far faster than HGVs or HCMs, and could be adapted to intercept hypersonic missiles as well.
BrahMos is the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile - and it is the frontline weapon for all the three arms - Navy, Army and the IAF. BrahMos missile: Twenty five years ago BrahMos Aerospace was founded for India and Russia to jointly develop the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.
The missile is not capable of making sharp turns or rapid changes in direction, which is a critical aspect that makes hypersonic weapons so potentially difficult to intercept.
While defence against hypersonic missiles is challenging, NATO is working on systems to counter them. No matter what challenges NATO may face in the future, Allies are committed to defending their airspace and keeping their citizens safe.
In order to expand the battlespace against hypersonic threats, the agency has initiated the Aegis Glide Phase Interceptor program. That program uses proven Aegis weapon system engage-on-remote network sensors to provide the depth of fire needed for terminal defenses, he said.
Computer simulations run by a research team on a war game software platform used by China's military showed Chinese forces sinking the USS Gerald R Ford carrier fleet with a volley of 24 hypersonic anti-ship missiles, reported the South China Morning Post.
The U.S. Air Force has a top-secret space weapon and is preparing to show it to the world. For months, the service has been preparing to declassify the "black" weapon, but wants to get the timing right, according to a Breaking Defense exclusive.
The United States has not yet fielded such weapons, for both scientific and policy reasons. Hypersonic missiles are expensive, and there have been questions about the value of the capabilities they might provide.
History. The Silbervogel was the first design for a hypersonic weapon and was developed by German scientists in the 1930s. In the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia was seen to have fielded operational weapons and used them for combat.
“They launched a long-range missile,” General John Hyten, the outgoing vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told CBS News. “It went around the world, dropped off a hypersonic glide vehicle that glided all the way back to China, that impacted a target in China.”
Radars need to be set up to track fast-moving objects otherwise the signals from the hypersonic missiles won't be shown on the same track and would become impossible to track them over time—even if you are receiving signals from the weapon. However, engineers are working to create countermeasures for them.
We know that hypersonic missiles travel with a speed of Mach 5 i.e. 5 times the speed of sound. Any particle emitted by lasers or DEWs(Directed Energy Weapons) travels at the speed of light. So it is very highly possible that lasers can disable the onboard systems or outright destroy it.”
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Hypersonic missiles
➨In the case of HGV missiles, the materials erode and alter the aerodynamics due to extreme heating. ➨Due to extreme heat, communication between satellite and missile and other external control system gets blocked. Hence control of hypersonic missiles is limited.
The threat of hypersonic missiles stems from the difficulty in detecting, tracking, and intercepting them, due to their high speed, excellent maneuverability, and low-altitude flight capability. The leading countries in developing hypersonic missiles are the United States, Russia, and China.
The fabrication of one Kh-47 Kinzhal hypersonic missile costs about US$10 million.
The unit cost of a missile “similar to” the Air Force's AGM-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic missile would be about $15 million a copy over a large production run, but a comparable Army ground-launched system would cost almost three times more, according to a new report from the Congressional ...
China possesses one operational hypersonic missile, has tested several others, and maintains an active research and development program.
KYIV, May 16 (Reuters) - Ukraine said on Tuesday it had shot down six Russian Kinzhal missiles in a single night, thwarting a weapon Moscow has touted as a next-generation hypersonic missile that was all but unstoppable.
For instance, the Russians and Chinese are testing hypersonic ballistic missiles. Missiles so fast we might not have time to respond. But even the most sophisticated technology is still controlled by computer chips, and if there's a chip inside, it can be hacked.
supersonic: What's the difference? Supersonic means faster than the speed of sound, while hypersonic means specifically five times faster than the speed of sound. Therefore, all hypersonic speeds are also supersonic, but something supersonic is not necessarily hypersonic.