It is common during the aging process for the circulatory system to begin to wear down due to strain on the arteries and veins. Additionally, seniors are often less active than younger age groups, which means blood isn't flowing as easily.
Age - anyone over the age of 65 is at risk for poor circulation. Gender - males are more prone to the condition than females. Obesity. Lack of exercise.
Normal aging causes a reduction in total body water. As part of this, there is less fluid in the bloodstream, so blood volume decreases. The speed with which red blood cells are produced in response to stress or illness is reduced. This creates a slower response to blood loss and anemia.
But circulation can get worse for a number of reasons, including conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and peripheral artery disease (PAD), or weight gain and age. When your circulation isn't working the way it should, some parts of your body may not get the nutrients they need.
Blood clots don't always become mobile, but it is important that you keep your circulation optimal so blood clots do not form. If you have pain, swelling, tenderness, a warm sensation, and a reddish discoloration in your legs or arms, you should seek medical attention.
Potassium (Vitamin K)
Potassium is an essential mineral for many important bodily functions, including blood circulation. It keeps the blood vessel walls strong and can even help prevent bulging veins. Potassium can be found in a variety of healthy and tasty foods like bananas and avocados.
Drinking plenty of water helps to improve your vein health in two ways: improving the overall circulation of the blood by thinning it and strengthening the muscles that support your veins.
Unopened mail, papers pilling up, unpaid bills, phone calls not returned, low food supply, unkempt home interior and/or exterior, laundry piling up, spilling and dropping things (check carpet for stains) and keeping curtains drawn, all signal signs of decline.
Start doing daily stretching, exercises, or yoga to increase blood flow. Do aerobic or cardio exercises to get your blood moving and your heart rate up. Wear compression stockings to encourage the blood to move from your legs back up to your heart. Eat a healthy diet to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Poor circulation is a common feeling that affects millions of people every year. It can range from something as benign as your leg falling asleep after sitting for a long time to something life-threatening, such as a blood clot.
Magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker and has been suggested to modulate vasomotor tone and peripheral blood flow. Preclinical studies demonstrated a protective role of magnesium on vascular calcification,8, 9 which may in turn lead to reduced arterial stiffening.
Vitamin D helps to keep your arteries and blood vessels loose enough and relaxed enough to support proper blood flow. Thus, when vitamin D levels are low, your veins will struggle to do their job properly, and vein issues may arise.
Staying hydrated helps circulation by improving blood flow throughout the body. Warm water is particularly beneficial as it encourages the veins to expand, thus allowing more room for blood to flow.
Packed with potassium, bananas can help improve blood flow by lowering blood pressure. Too much sodium in your diet can cause high blood pressure, but potassium helps the kidneys remove extra sodium from your body, which then passes through your urine. This helps relax blood vessels and enable blood flow.
The best activity to improve circulation is aerobic exercise – the kind that makes you mildly out of breath. This includes jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, rowing, boxing, team sports, aerobic or cardio classes, or brisk walking.
As with many other symptoms of poor circulation, twisted, bulging blue varicose veins tend to appear on your legs and ankles. Varicose veins occur when a valve within the vein fails, disrupting your circulation.
Research has indicated high stress levels may lead to elevated blood pressure, which can cause poor circulation as well.
When we spend many hours lying down, blood pools in the legs, lower volumes of blood are pumped through the body even though the heart works harder, oxygen uptake is reduced, and the risk of blood clots is increased, particularly in the legs and lungs.