Cordelia awakens from her magically induced coma and returns to help Angel fight an old enemy who has reappeared even more powerful than ever.
Written and directed by David Fury, it is the 100th episode of the series, and originally broadcast on February 4, 2004 on the WB network. In "You're Welcome," former series regular Charisma Carpenter returns as a guest star, when the character of Cordelia Chase miraculously awakens from her coma.
Fred, Gunn, and Harmony leave. Angel tries to convince Cordelia that with Wolfram & Hart's resources, they can do anything and save anyone, but Cordelia notes that Angel can't save himself. Cordelia reveals her vision, that woke her from the comatose slumber.
Following an eleven-episode absence, Cordelia returns to Angel in season five, in the 100th episode "You're Welcome". Having (apparently) awoken from her coma, Cordelia reunites with Angel Investigations, who she discovers have taken over Wolfram & Hart since their defeat of Jasmine.
Cordelia fell into a coma giving birth to Jasmine, and a season later she died offscreen in a hospital bed, the events leading up to her death erased from history. Her last appearance on the show was when she used her dying wish to guide Angel back onto the path toward his destiny.
For years, there have been whispers of Cordelia being written off of Angel because Whedon was upset with Carpenter's pregnancy. Carpenter confirmed as much in her statement, admitting that Whedon “asked me if I was 'going to keep it' and manipulatively weaponized my womanhood and faith against me.
Cordelia appeared in 143 Buffyverse episodes: 55 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and 88 episodes of Angel; her total is the same as Xander (143). The only characters to appear in more episodes are Angel (168), Buffy (150), and Willow (147).
Later, in Angel's perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out "Buffy!" as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.
In total, Cordelia is the victim of mystical pregnancy three times during the series: from a Haxil beast in this episode, as host of an unborn Skilosh demon in "Epiphany," and from Connor while possessed by Jasmine, as first revealed in "Salvage."
She appears as a regular in the first three seasons before exiting the show to join the spin-off Angel after graduating from Sunnydale High. Cordy actually ends up dating Xander Harris despite how much they've always hated each other.
However, various events (particularly Cordelia's possession by Jasmine) kept them from admitting their feelings to each other, although shortly before Cordelia died, they revealed their love for one another and shared a single kiss. She died loving Angel, knowing that Angel loved her back.
By the time Lear finally regains his reason and realizes who Cordelia is, they have little time to talk and reconcile. Edmund arrives and sends them both to prison, where Cordelia is ultimately hanged.
Cordelia loves her father as much as any child loves their parent but does not feel she can flatter her father by making him feel there is no room in her heart for any other love.
As The Beast causes fire to rain from the sky in an apparent apocalypse, Cordelia sleeps with Connor to give him some happiness before the end.
Cordelia does not marry anyone in in King Lear. She remains loyal to her father exclusively throughout the play; if she had a husband, her loyalty would automatically be split.
Canon is that Angel loves Buffy, but due to the curse on him, they cannot be together because if truly happy, he goes back to being Angelus.
Amid the celebration, star Charisma Carpenter spoke out on the controversial end of her fan-favorite character, Cordelia Chase, who was written out at the end of Season 4.
Although more crossovers happen with other characters and Angel would return to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) never makes an appearance in Angel again.
Angelus terrorizes Willow and the Gang at school, emotionally tormenting Buffy. Later, as they discuss Angel's transformation in the library, Buffy realises that having sex with Angel is what caused him to turn evil. Buffy has a dream in which Angel indicates that Jenny knows more than she is letting on.
Cordelia sacrificed herself so that Mallory could rise as Supreme, going back in time and killing Michael before he could come into his own as the ender of days. But unbeknownst to the witches, another Antichrist was born to take his place—to Timothy and Emily, the lovers seen in Outpost 3.
Cordelia is hanged in King Lear because she supports her father against Edmund and her sisters. Edmund has both Lear and Cordelia imprisoned. He orders both of their executions as punishment for challenging his authority.
Burgundy rejects Cordelia when he discovers that she will bring him no dowry or inheritance. Burgundy, who cannot love Cordelia without her wealth, is guilty of selfish motivations.
James found that it had not been awkward sharing a bed with Cordelia as he already had once before. She looked so peaceful as she slept and James could not help but smile at her. He silently slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake Cordelia, and began to ready himself for the day.
According to the "found" family tree, Cordelia will apparently go on to marry James, have a son named Owen, and die in 1962 at the age of 76 or 77.