Oil pulling can help prevent cavities by removing harmful bacteria, and it may stop cavities from getting worse. However, it takes minerals like fluoride, hydroxyapatite, calcium, and phosphorus to reverse cavities by remineralizing your teeth — and only if you catch the cavities early enough.
Research does indicate that oil pulling can improve the enamel of teeth. In fact, a study showed that oil pulling reduced the amount of plaque in the mouth, and to the same extent as fluoride mouthwash.
But let's get this upfront: Coconut oil can't repair receding gums. But can coconut oil help fight off plaque-producing bacteria in the mouth that leads to gum disease and receding gums? Limited research shows oil pulling – swishing coconut oil in your mouth for several minutes – might be an oral care aid.
A handful of small-scale studies show that oil pulling with sesame oil for 15 to 20 minutes a day for at least 40 days, alongside routine tooth brushing and flossing, can reduce plaque, bacteria and gingivitis. The studies relied on daily consistency and regular dental care.
Possible Side Effects
Swallowing these oils could cause GI upset and diarrhea. According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, it's also important not to swallow the oil you're swishing because it contains toxins and bacteria from your mouth. Instead, spit the oil into the trash and brush your teeth when you're done.
Oil pulling is not harmful unless you overdo it or use the wrong oil. While oil pulling removes harmful bacteria from your mouth, overdoing it may disturb the oral microbiome and affect your palate and taste buds. Therefore, it is recommended to do it once a day to avoid oil pulling side effects, if any at all.
Gum recession treatment largely depends on what caused the condition. Mild cases of gum recession may be improved with nonsurgical treatments, such as topical antibiotics, dental bonding or orthodontics. In most instances, however, gum recession surgery is needed to fully correct the problem.
Dentist Concerns About Oil Pulling
Although it isn't particularly harmful, some people may experience some side effects. Also, it should never replace daily brushing, flossing and other dental hygiene habits that are necessary for a healthy mouth.
Tartar may be removed at home with regular brushing and flossing or with a water flosser. Oil pulling — using coconut oil or olive oil — may also help remove tartar at home. These methods may be effective at removing tartar; however, a dentist can remove tartar in a more timely manner.
For this reason, oil pulling could be considered a healthy oral practice. But it must be done in conjunction with daily brushing and flossing as it does nothing to fight against already existing tooth decay and cannot remove plaque and tartar the way a toothbrush and floss can.
It's recommended that you perform oil pulling once per day, every day. Doing this on a regular basis can help prevent oral health problems by removing harmful bacteria from your mouth.
To maximize results, try to oil pull at least a few times per week or up to three times per day. When you first start, you can swish for about five minutes and gradually increase the duration until you are at 20 minutes. Keep in mind that oil pulling doesn't replace traditional oral care.
Dr. Mark Burhenne, from Ask the Dentist, says, “If you brush after you pull, you'll actually get rid of the good bacteria you just worked to support.”9 With this in mind, brushing then swishing may be best.
Try non-acidic foods: Certain foods are good for your enamel. Many types of fruits and vegetables, dairy products such as milk, and foods or drinks containing fluoride – notably spinach, grapes and black tea – will be useful to naturally restore enamel.
Some studies have shown that practicing oil pulling regularly can slow the growth as well as eliminate disease-causing bacteria and reduce the incidence of bad breath. A decrease in bacterial load will ultimately contribute to better oral health and a reduction of gum diseases and dental cavities.
Fluoride is another naturally occurring mineral that can help remineralize your teeth. It forms a stronger building block called fluorapatite, which makes your teeth more resistant to mineral loss.
If you have a very significant gum recession, the best treatment is usually a gum graft. While your gums won't grow back on their own, surgical treatment can be used to replace the missing tissue, and restore both your appearance and your oral health.
Left untreated, the bone in your jaw and around your teeth will continue to resorb, leading to more tooth loss, disease, and pain. There is good news! In most cases, dental bone loss can be stopped. And with expert periodontal care, you can actually regenerate bone and reverse bone loss.
Oil pulling should be ideally performed daily morning on empty stomach before brushing teeth and care should be taken that oil is not swallowed. Swallowing of oil during oil pulling should be avoided as the oil contains bacteria and toxins.