Does silence exist in space?

No, there isn't sound in space.
This is because sound travels through the vibration of particles, and space is a vacuum. On Earth, sound mainly travels to your ears by way of vibrating air molecules, but in near-empty regions of space there are no (or very, very few) particles to vibrate – so no sound.

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Why is space always silent?

The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound. If you are sitting in a space ship and another space ship explodes, you would hear nothing.

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Has anyone recorded sound in space?

The space agency used instruments on several probes (like Voyager and HAWKEYE) to record these waves. Then they put them together into a recording of a sound for all of us to hear. The result is a sound that is (frighteningly) akin to what you would expect to hear echoing as you sink into a black abyss.

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Did NASA record sound in space?

NASA Has Captured 'Actual Sound' in Space and It's Honestly Terrifying. Vice. Start a conversation, not a fire.

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Can they hear you scream in space?

Sound is a mecanical wave, which means that it needs substance to travel through, such as air or water. In space, there is no air, so sound has nothing to travel through. If someone were to scream in space, the sound wouldn't even leave their mouths.

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Is Space Completely Silent?

16 related questions found

Can I hear an explosion in space?

To travel to us from outer space, the wave must be able to travel through regions of space which are essentially vacuum (nothing there). Sound cannot do this, as it requires a medium to propagate in, so we would not be able to hear the explosion.

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Does anything make noise in space?

No, there isn't sound in space.

On Earth, sound mainly travels to your ears by way of vibrating air molecules, but in near-empty regions of space there are no (or very, very few) particles to vibrate – so no sound.

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What is the loudest thing in space?

The loudest sound in the universe definitely comes from black hole mergers. In this case the “sound” comes out in gravitational waves and not ordinary sound waves.

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Is it completely dark in space?

Above the Earth's atmosphere, outer space dims even further, fading to an inky pitch-black. And yet even there, space isn't absolutely black. The universe has a suffused feeble glimmer from innumerable distant stars and galaxies.

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Did NASA see something come out of a black hole?

Nothing like it has ever been seen before, but it was captured accidentally by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. This is an artist's impression of a runaway supermassive black hole that was ejected from its host galaxy as a result of a tussle between it and two other black holes.

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How loud is a black hole?

(Photo by NASA/CXC/Columbia Univ./C. Hailey et al.) For the first time in history, earthlings can hear what a black hole sounds like: a low-pitched groaning, as if a very creaky heavy door was being opened again and again.

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Can anything escape a black hole?

Black holes are dark, dense regions in space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing can escape. Not even light can get out of these regions. That is why we cannot see black holes—they are invisible to our eyes. Because nothing can get out of black holes, physicists struggle understanding these objects.

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Is there any sound in a black hole?

Black holes are absolutely silent, as they are creatures of pure gravity. But while black holes produce no sound of their own, they can generate sound waves in their environment.

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Why we Cannot cry in space?

Since tears on Earth only stream down a person's face because of gravity's influence, tears shed in microgravity do not fall. Instead, they pool on the face and could eventually drift off in little droplets that disperse throughout the orbiting science laboratory.

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How do we know space is never ending?

Experts may not know whether space is infinite, but they do know that the universe is growing. It's been expanding since the Big Bang itself, about 13.8 billion years ago. And scientists recently found that it may be doing so at a faster pace than they previously thought.

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What does outer space smell like?

Other astronauts have described it in similar yet varying ways: "burning metal," "a distinct odor of ozone, an acrid smell," "walnuts and brake pads," "gunpowder" and even "burnt almond cookie." Much like all wine connoisseurs smell something a bit different in the bottle, astronaut reports differ slightly in their " ...

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Where does space end?

Our atmosphere is extended up to an imaginary line called the Kármán Line. The astronomers consider this line to be 100 km above sea level. It is a convention that we have agreed to follow that outer space begins from this line.

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What is the darkest thing in space?

Black holes are the darkest things in our universe because they emit no light whatsoever in any wavelength.

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Why can't we see the stars in space?

Why can't we see stars in the pictures of spacewalking or moonwalking astronauts? The stars aren't visible because they are too faint. The astronauts in their white spacesuits appear quite bright, so they must use short shutter speeds and large f/stops to not overexpose the pictures.

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Does the sun make noise?

The Sun does indeed generate sound, in the form of pressure waves. These are produced by huge pockets of hot gas that rise from deep within the Sun, travelling at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour to eventually break through the solar surface.

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What is the quietest sound on Earth?

In 2004, Guinness World Records certified the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories as the quietest place on Earth, with an ambient sound level of –9.4 decibels A-weighted.

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What is the strongest sound on Earth?

10 of the loudest sounds
  • 230 dB: Sperm whale.
  • 180 dB: Rocket launch.
  • 130dB: A plane taking off 100m away.
  • 120 dB: Fireworks.
  • 110 dB: Live music gig.
  • 100 dB: Night club.
  • 97 dB: Fire alarm.
  • 94 dB: Lawnmower.

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Does space have a smell?

We can't smell space directly, because our noses don't work in a vacuum. But astronauts aboard the ISS have reported that they notice a metallic aroma – like the smell of welding fumes – on the surface of their spacesuits once the airlock has re-pressurised.

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Why is space infinite?

Because space isn't curved they will never meet or drift away from each other. A flat universe could be infinite: imagine a 2D piece of paper that stretches out forever.

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What is space full of?

Outer space is not completely empty; it is a near-perfect vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

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