The silkier-smooth your balls are, the fewer places bacteria have to hide. Crotch stink is often created by the bacteria that fester in your pubic hair and nether zone. Step one is to keep that bush of yours trim and tame, but step two is to have a groin-specific razor and shaving cream for the gonads.
Genetics might play a role in having dry skin, but other external factors include weather changes, over-washing or scrubbing, allergies, and irritation. Just like any other body part, the skin on your balls can become dry and irritated, particularly if you're prone to dry skin to begin with.
Over time, testicles develop wrinkles due to changing temperatures - when it's warmer, the scrotum relaxes, and in colder conditions they contract.
Swollen testicles (also known as scrotal swelling) can be a sign of a variety of things, including injury, infection or a testicular tumor. If you have swollen testicles, they appear larger and may be red or shiny. You may notice a lump, but you may also have swelling with no lump.
When you feel your testicles through the scrotum, they should feel smooth, without any lumps or bumps. Your testicles should feel firm but not hard if you give them a gentle squeeze.
Most men's testicles are about the same size, but it's common for one to be slightly bigger than the other. It's also common for one testicle to hang lower than the other. The testicles should feel smooth, without any lumps or bumps, and firm but not hard.
Calcifications: These are small structures in the testicle or along the main sperm pipeline (vas) can become hard, almost rock like. These are always painless and rarely need to be removed.
Testicular stretching is a holistic technique that has been known to improve the serum levels of testosterone. There is also ample data to support that testicular stretching when performed regularly can also lead to testicular enhancement.
Symptoms and Causes
Severe pain in your scrotum (the sac that holds your testicles). Bruising in your scrotum. Swelling in your scrotum. Pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen.
However, if it is released into the open, it cannot live for more than a few minutes. If sperm is not ejaculated, it stays in the man's body for about 74 days. After this, the sperm cells die and are reabsorbed by the body.
Each testicle is covered by tough, fibrous layers of tissue called the tunica. The outer layer is called the tunica vaginalis and the inner layer is called the tunica albuginea.
Each testicle feels like a smooth, firm egg. Adult testicles range in size from about 15 mL (similar to a bird egg) to 35 mL (similar to a small chicken egg). One testicle may be slightly larger than the other. Commonly, one testicle hangs lower than the other.
All males have a cremaster muscle (a thin pouch-like muscle in which a testicle rests). When the cremaster muscle contracts (tightens), it pulls the testicle upward toward the body; this is known as the cremasteric reflex. The cremasteric reflex is brought on by such things as cold, touch, and anxiety.
Can I put Vaseline or Aquaphor on my balls? No. It will clog the pores on your balls because it is too thick, and it will eventually dry out your skin.
The cremaster muscle is responsible for the movement. It expands and contracts according to temperature – moving them further from the body when it's warm and closer to the body when it's cold.
The cremaster muscle is a thin pouch-like muscle in which a testicle rests. When the cremaster muscle contracts, it pulls the testicle up toward the body. The cremaster reflex can be stimulated by rubbing a nerve on the inner thigh and by emotion, such as fear and laughter.
Testicular volume rapidly increases during puberty and peaks at age 30 years. Subsequently, the volume of the testes stabilizes in a plateau-like manner until age 60 years. After age 60 years, this study shows that testicular volume decreases significantly.
An increase in firmness of a testicle
If you believe that the texture of a testicle has become leathery, and the testicle itself also feels firmer, this may be a symptom of testicular cancer. Go and get it checked.
How should my testicles look and feel? A healthy testicle has a firm and smooth surface, but doesn't feel hard. You might have one testicle slightly bigger than the other. This is normal.