Hinn (Arabic: حنّ) are supernatural creatures, besides jinn and devils, in Arabian lore and also a group of pre-Adamitic race in Islam-related beliefs.
Adam or Muhammad as the first human
Islamic traditions acknowledge that before Adam was made, Muhammad's spirit, also known as the Muhammadan Light, has already been created.
Islam says that Adam and Eve were the first creatures on Earth.
Jann (Arabic: جان, romanized: Jānn, plural Arabic: جِنَّان, romanized: Jinnān or Arabic: جَوَان, romanized: Jawān) are the ancestor of the jinn in Islam-related beliefs.
Allah created all the other kinds of creations before He created the humankind. Allah created the water, the air, the heavens, the earth, the trees, the mountains, the valleys, the animals and even the small insects–before he created man.
According to the reports of the hadiths, the jinn eat like humans, but instead of fresh food, they prefer rotten flesh and bones. Another hadith advises to close doors and keep children close at night for the jinn go around and snatch things away.
'The First Thing God Created Was The Pen'
Jinns, by their nature, are invisible. Dogs are highly perceptive and thereby more likely to spot the jinns. Your dog can sense the energies jinns, and feel anxious or even disturbed, at the prospect of dealing with the jinn.
Hence, surely, marriage between humans and jin is prioritized to be prohibited. Here, we state that in accordance with the above-presented evidences and arguments, the ruling for the marriage between humans and jinn is prohibited.
Allah, the Almighty, has created different types of Jinn. Every individual has a Jinn who has been appointed to be his constant companion. Sūrat Al- Jinn 72 reveals that there are categories of Jinn: believers, disbelievers, misguided and guided.
The Ma'il Quran
It contains two-thirds of the Qur'ān text and is one of the oldest Qur'āns in the world.
The earliest life forms we know of were microscopic organisms (microbes) that left signals of their presence in rocks about 3.7 billion years old.
Muslims see few tensions between their faith and life in the modern world. Most think it is possible to be a devout Muslim and still live in a modern society, and many also dismiss the idea that there is an inherent antagonism between religion and science. Indeed, most Muslims say they believe in evolution.
Middle Ages. Traditional Jewish exegesis such as Midrash says that Adam spoke the Hebrew language because the names he gives Eve – Isha and Chava – only make sense in Hebrew.
Lilith and Eve - wives of Adam.
Adam and Eve, in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, the original human couple, parents of the human race. In the Bible there are two accounts of their creation.
In surah Al-Hijr: 16-l8, surah As-Saaffat: 6-10 and surah Al-Mulk: 5, it has been said that although the jinn can ascend to the heavens, they cannot exceed a certain limit; if they try to ascend beyond that limit and try to hear what goes on in the heavens, they are not allowed to do so, and if they try to eavesdrop ...
Jinn are said to inhabit caves, deserted places, graveyards and darkness.
Similar to angels, the jinn are beings invisible to the naked human eye. In the Quran, it is stated in that humans are created from the earth and jinn from smokeless fire.
Some Muslims believe that having a pet cat brings angels into your home. Cats on prayer mat. In Islam cats are thought to be ritually clean. According to authentic narrations, one may make ablution for prayer with the same water that a cat has drunk from.
Traditionally, dogs are considered haram, or forbidden, in Islam as they are thought of as dirty. But while conservatives advocate complete avoidance, moderates simply say Muslims should not touch the animal's mucous membranes — such as the nose or mouth — which are considered especially impure.
In Islamic tradition, cats are admired for their cleanliness. They are thought to be ritually clean, and are thus allowed to enter homes and even mosques, including Masjid al-Haram.
The Qur'an further states that Allah created the sun, the moon, and the planets, each with their own individual courses or orbits. "It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course" (21:33).
The Universe was created in Six Days
Allah states that He created the universe, the heavens and earth and all that is in, on and between them in six days, as He has stated in several Ayat in the Qur'an.
Allah is the sole Creator.