A lack of communication, disengagement, and a sour temperament are all signs you can look out for if you think your partner is unhappy.
If they keep postponing plans or taking a longer time than usual to respond to texts or calls, it could mean that they're not as invested in the relationship and may not be planning to make things serious.
Some of the reasons that makes humans unhappy
Not meeting the expectations that we have set for ourselves and others. No enough money i.e financial and economic problems. Peer pressure comes into picture when your in crowd and doing same things as others do but not able to achieve what they achieve.
Fear of conflict.
Usually, the longer you've been with someone, the more conflicted the process is. It is a sad reality that many men (and women) stay in unfulfilling relationships month after month, year after year, because they fear the pain involved in breaking up and moving on.
The answer often lies in boredom and opportunity. If a man is bored in his marriage or believes something is lacking sexually or emotionally, he may start looking for reasons to leave a relationship for someone new. Sometimes men run away when they fall in love, looking to rekindle the spark of singleness.
(Yes, you can love someone but still be unhappy.) “Ask yourself: If today is my last day, can I say that I'm in the relationship that I want to be in? That I deserve to be in?” says Branson. If the answers are no, acknowledge that what you want does matter—and that it ultimately might be worth ending your relationship.
The typical unhappy man is one who, having deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one ' kind of satisfaction more than any other, and has therefore given to his life a one-sided direction, together with a quite undue emphasis upon the achievement as opposed to the activities connected ...
There's No Emotional Connection
One of the key signs your relationship is ending is that you are no longer vulnerable and open with your partner. A cornerstone of happy, healthy relationships is that both partners feel comfortable being truly open to sharing thoughts and opinions with one another.
Common Signs You May Be Feeling Unhappy In Your Relationship
You look for excuses not to see your partner. You feel the urge to be with someone else. You think you would be more comfortable living a different life. You are not attracted to your partner anymore.
He doesn't smile at or greet you
If your partner does not greet you warmly or doesn't smile at you, it is one of the signs a man is hurt emotionally. If he was a warm person before and now, he doesn't even want to smile at you, your actions or words could have caused the change.
Let him know that his feelings are valid, and that it's okay to be upset, even if he thinks it's silly. You could say something like, “I just want you to know that I understand why you're sad, and it's not weird at all.” Or, “Feel free to cry, scream, or do whatever you need to do.
Unfortunately, depression can cause overwhelming loneliness and detachment which can hinder any relationship. Some people who suffer from depression experience debilitating exhaustion and hopelessness which can be very frustrating for two people in a relationship.
After looking at data from roughly 500,000 individuals in 132 countries, he found that happiness for people in advanced countries bottoms out at age 47.2. In developing countries, it reaches its lowest point at age 48.2. Blanchflower, 67, tells CNBC Make It that the findings also extend to his personal life.
Reduced intimacy: In unhappy relationships, partners also tend to not make time to connect intimately–either physically or emotionally. Broken communication and connection: Communication is markedly broken in unhappy relationships as partners will not be able to work through problems or address hurt feelings.
This usually ties back to his feelings of guilt from past mistakes and his low self-esteem. He might leave you with the mindset of, “I love you enough to let you go on to better things.” Some men can be in love with their woman but be more in love with their job or hobby.
Sometimes, pulling away is a defence mechanism. His past experiences can make him afraid of going through heartache again. He is likely to withdraw and spend more time by himself to figure out what he really desires and values. Men don't share such things to avoid worrying you and tend to distance themselves instead.