Think about what makes her special to you, and tell her what you appreciate about her energy, personality, or her mind. “I really love the way you think. Please tell me you write all these incredible ideas down.” “You have this gift of making other people feel really happy.
Blushing is the reddening of a person's face due to psychological reasons. It is normally involuntary and triggered by emotional stress associated with passion, embarrassment, shyness, fear, anger, or romantic stimulation.
But when a woman blushes, it could be for a multitude of reasons. She might be embarrassed because she likes you so much. She could also feel affectionate towards you. Sometimes, people blush because they are simply prone to blushing.
Women reportedly blush more than men, but the one study that measured gender differences did not find strong evidence of this. Blushing is unique to humans, although animals with naked skin have flush reactions so they seem to blush.
She may try to impress you, make lots of jokes, or spend most of her time talking to you. She also may be quiet but attentive. If she doesn't smile or talk a lot, but makes eye contact, listens to you really intently, and doesn't try to get an opportunity to leave, this is a very good sign.
Learn how to flirt effectively, based on the 5 flirting styles.
Traditional. Traditional flirts tend to subscribe to an old-school, gendered and heteronormative take wherein men make the first move, and women wait for men to reveal their feelings. ...
This is another sign that she may have a crush on you. If every time you walk by or talk to her, you find her turning red or getting flustered, then this may be a sign that she likes you and is shy and embarrassed about talking to you or saying the wrong thing.
Honesty and affection are what women look for in relationships. Make sure she sees you often, and when she does, you should be presentable and confident. Ensure you speak well, try to know more about her, indulge in exciting activities with her, and flirt using genuine compliments to make a way to her heart.