“Thank you for all the dedication you bring to your profession everyday. We appreciate and notice the hard work you put in to keeping our communities safe. Please stay strong and take care of yourself as well. Things will get better and you are appreciated!”
How do you say thank you to your doctor and staff?
“Thank you so much for the great care and surgery you performed on me. You and your staff have made such a huge difference for me. I am feeling much better, and I appreciate all you have done.
Thank you for being on the front lines of care. Thank you for your kindness, dedication and healing touch. Thank you for always putting your patients first no matter how grueling your day. We thank you for providing an empathetic ear and compassionate hand when a life-changing diagnosis is delivered.
I'm eternally grateful for… / I cannot thank you enough for… / I want you to know how much I value… / Words cannot describe how grateful I am for… / Please accept my deepest thanks for…
“Thank you for being the dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate doctor that you are! You always go above and beyond and work tirelessly towards a healthy outcome. I feel so blessed to know you and have you as my doctor.”
"Dear [enter individual's name or team name], thank you for being by my beside during my treatment and putting a smile on my face when I was feeling worried." This not only gives hospital staff positive feedback, but it affirms that their way of working has been recognised and appreciated.
They care, comfort, humor and cajole us, and in the end, they save lives. We owe them our thanks. So in light of National Nurses Week, we ask that you honor the nurses in your life, show them you care, and give them a little love back for all the things they do that we should be so very grateful for.
Kindness, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, emotional stability, empathy, and compassion are aspects of your personality that serve you well as a nurse. You exhibit strong communication skills. You communicate well with patients and colleagues — sometimes at their worst life moments.