It would take several hundred ants to pick up each pound of the person. So you'd need to know the person's weight and then multiply that by 200 to 300 ants.
Of course, an ant weighs only 1/200th of a gram at most. So that big ant can carry only about 1/4 gram. A gram is only 1/28th of an ounce, and an ounce is 1/16th of a pound…so it would take several hundred ants to pick up each pound of the person.
Ants have been documented to be able to carry up to twenty times their own body weight. If a human could lift twenty times their body weight that would be about 4,000 pounds.
In the Journal of Biomechanics, researchers report that the neck joint of a common American field ant can withstand pressures up to 5,000 times the ant's weight.
However, with advances in development of exoskeleton, human wearing such a machine might eventually be able to lift 1 ton weight. “Strongman Eddie Hall became the first person in the world to ever dead-lift half a ton - but then passed out when blood vessels in his head burst from the pressure.
It takes 14,250,000,000 ants to equal an elephant's weight. It takes 1,485 ants to equal the height of a giraffe. It takes 4,950,000,000 ants to equal a giraffe's weight.
How much weight can an ant carry? According to different estimates, ants can carry 10 - 50 times their body weight, or maybe even more!
But, attention, I'm going to unveil the secret of nature – in the animal kingdom, the ant`s specific force on one unit of weight is much bigger than that of an elephant. Along with the ability in skillful management it allows the anthill to build well-composed social structures that are ideal in productivity.
Our individual ant, therefore, can lift just 40 milligrams–less than a millionth of an individual human competitor. The number of ants on Earth is a more difficult call, but some entomologists have estimated 10,000 to 100,000 trillion, but there are no accurate headcounts or censuses taken.
Comparing the two ant species, the scientists found that approximately 20 percent of their genes are unique, while some 33 percent are shared with humans.
Assuming an ant can carry 1000X its weight, and the weight of an ant is about 2.5mg you get a lift weight of 2.5 grams each. There are 453.592 grams in a pound. 3401.94 grams divided by the lift weight of an ant gets you about 1361 ants needed to carry a baby.
Workers serve as undertakers in mature ant colonies, removing dead individuals and carrying them to a trash pile either far away or in a specialized chamber of the nest. In certain species, they will bury the corpse instead.
Humans are smarter than ants, but in some ways ant colonies are smarter than organizations of humans. Look, for example, at the way in which an ant colony finds food. At the start, the ants wander at random, until they find some food. Then they carry the food back to base, leaving a trail of pheromones.
Individual ants have tiny brains but together the many ants of a colony can exhibit remarkable 'intelligence'. Ants exhibit complex and apparently intelligent behaviour; they can navigate over long distances, find food and communicate, avoid predators, care for their young, etc.
Saharan silver ant speed clocked for the first time
Despite its stubby legs, the Saharan silver ant (Cataglyphis bombycina) is the fastest ant in the world, speeding along at 855 millimeters per second—or 200 meters per second if it were the size of a human, Science News reports.
The strongest land animal in the world is the elephant. The typical Asian elephant has 100,000 muscles and tendons arranged along the length of the trunk, enabling it to lift almost 800 pounds.
In brute strength, elephants are the strongest mammals and the strongest land animals. African elephants can weigh up to 6,350kg and they can carry up to 9,000kg, the weight of 130 adult humans.
The absolute unbeatable beast who took home the title for best fighter: the elephant. With a 74% win rate, it just eked out a win over the rhinoceros, who also received a 74% win rate. (Just a few extra tenths of a percent gave the elephant the top spot.)
Asian Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) can carry weights of more than 100 times their own body weight whilst upside down on a smooth surface. To do this, they have incredibly sticky pads on their feet. However, this does not stop them from running quickly across such surfaces.
The record for an overhead lift stands at 263.5 kilograms. According to Dan Wathen, an athletics trainer at Youngstown State University, Ohio, Bolton and weightlifters like him are nearly five or six times stronger than the average man, who will struggle to lift 45 kilograms over his head, reports the New Scientist.
A recent study of ants' sleep cycle found that the average worker ant takes approximately 250 naps each day, with each one lasting just over a minute. That adds up to 4 hours and 48 minutes of sleep per day. The research also found that 80 percent of the ant workforce was awake and active at any one time.
The Hercules beetle belongs to a group known as the rhinoceros beetles. Determined to find out the truth, locomotion expert Rodger Kram, now at the University of Colorado Boulder, put another kind of rhinoceros beetle to the test. He found they could only carry up to 100 times their bodyweight.
East Africa's elephants face few threats in their savanna home, aside from humans and lions. But the behemoths are terrified of African bees, and with good reason. An angry swarm can sting elephants around their eyes and inside their trunks and pierce the skin of young calves.
After coming to a theoretical conclusion through a lot of math and physics that the ants would survive an 820-foot fall, the plan was put into action. But as the hosts summited the top of the skyscraper, they discovered all of the ants had exploded from the atmospheric pressure.
But ants cannot see the world at the same resolution as we do. Their world is blurrier than ours. One way to know this is to count the number and diameter of facets (ommatidia) in their eyes.