Princess Leia is certainly the most intelligent character within the Skywalker family, which is clear from the start. Leia is someone who always thinks before she acts, and has a response to any situation or comment from other characters, which is a lot of fun to see.
1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, the ultimate strategist.
The clear answer for the smartest Jedi of them all is Master Yoda. This mysterious but beloved character comes from a species about which very little is known, and has survived through many eras, stretching back to the High Republic.
Not only was Leia incredibly strong-willed, but she also had the blood of the Chosen One coursing through her veins. This knowledge, paired with some more recent lore tidbits, suggests she was one of the most powerful Force-users to exist, perhaps even surpassing Luke.
However, Leia's strong-mindedness during Vader's probe denied him the opportunity to discover she was his daughter. That serves to justify Vader's lack of awareness of his connection to Leia, although, perhaps, not as satisfyingly as if Lucas had planned for the relationship from the beginning.
Vader finally senses his connection to his daughter because of Luke's fear, but has no idea who it could be. Luke was Force-sensitive at this time, so the presence of his fear was more present and more clear. Leia was not using the Force or was currently Force-sensitive during her confrontation with Vader.
Vader believed that his and Padmé's child died when she did, so there was no reason for him to consider anything else.
The Jedi however also have three outliers in that of Luke, Leia, and Cade Skywalker (23000/23000/21000 midi-chlorians respectively) all of which were children/descendants of Anakin Skywalker (the chosen one) and so genetically predisposed to having abnormally-high midi-chlorian counts for Jedi.
Leia's journey yields a time dilation of 62.6 days; however Luke experiences a time dilation of 700.8 days. The students concluded that Luke is therefore 1.75 years younger than Leia, possibly rendering them the first twins ever to have more than a year between their ages.
Abrams says Princess Leia chose not to train in the ways of the Force. In the films, while Luke trains to become a powerful Jedi, Princess Leia is kept busy by essential duties of her own. Later, as the leader of the Resistance, General Organa has her hands full with tasks that don't involve any use of the Force.
#1 – Yoda. Yoda is widely considered to be the greatest Jedi of all time, and with good reason. He is a master of the Force, a skilled warrior, and has an unmatched wisdom that comes from centuries of experience.
Arguably, some of the rarest types of Jedi were the so-called Iron Knights. These are members of the Shards species - crystals with a brain of their own. They were Force-sensitive and all trained under the tutelage of Jedi Master Aqinos. The Shards had droid bodies, similar to that of General Grievous.
115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted.
2) Michael Kearney
Michael Kearney (born 1984) is a former child prodigy who set world records for being the youngest person to graduate and teach at a university. His IQ has been calculated at somewhere between 200 and 325.
Following the Wampa attack during the movie's opening scenes on Hoth; Leia, Han, and Chewie visit Luke in the infirmary. Leia is annoyed with Han, who insists she has feelings for him, so she kisses Luke to prove she doesn't. Presumably, the scene was simply meant to make Han jealous.
In the first Star Wars movie, Luke was pretty obviously crushing on Leia. She later even kissed him on the lips. The relationship took on a new level of Game of Thrones awkwardness when the big reveal was announced -- and Leia responded by saying somehow she'd always known Luke was her bro.
Fun facts also worth mentioning: Han Solo happens to be 10 years older than twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.
The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.
That said, both Yoda and Yaddle have a high midi-chlorian count in their blood. Yoda's m-count was roughly 18000, while Yaddle's was closer to 12000. It is reasonable to assume that whatever species they are a part of, it is a deeply Force-sensitive one.
A blood test confirmed that more than twenty-thousand midi-chlorians—the highest record at the time—resided within Skywalker's cells.
She also knows Obi-Wan, and she knows him well. Her holographic plea for help, already iconic, will never be the same. She knows Obi-Wan's real name as well as his alias of “Ben.” When Luke comes barging into her cell and says, “I'm here with Ben Kenobi,” Leia jumps off the bunk in an instant.
Yes. In the book 'Tatooine Ghost', Leia learns of Anakin's life prior to his evolution into the Darth Vader personae. This revelation leads her to forgive him. She even named her third child in memory of her father.
It's well known that Star Wars lead characters Luke Skywalker and Princess (now General) Leia are brother and sister. The estranged siblings didn't know about their familial relationship until "Return of the Jedi." They even shared a passionate kiss in the previous movie, "The Empire Strikes Back."