The best way to make a quiet guy fall in love with you is to let him know that you trust him and care for him. Not many people are able to build trust and demonstrate their care for a quiet guy. So if you're able to do that, then you're one in a million and he'll fall for you soon.
Quiet people are more likely to be thoughtful and sensitive, but they're also less likely to get angry or frustrated quickly. They may have trouble expressing their emotions at first because they're not used to showing them in public or in front of other people.
Etiquettes are a way to be silently attractive every single time. Simple habits such as not talking with food in your mouth or never putting your elbows on the dining table can subconsciously make you attractive. Use this to your advantage to become silently attractive.
Some guys are so shy that they won't make the first move, even if you send signals loud and clear. If you're having a good time and you've both been flirty all night, feel free to make the first move yourself. Shy guys usually appreciate having someone make the first move.
One of the obvious reasons why a guy may ignore or act disinterested in you is because he feels you are too good for him. He lacks the confidence to approach you or share his feelings with you, fearing you might reject him. He feels that sharing his true feelings might ruin your friendship with him.
A shy guy will volunteer to do things for you just to be around you. If he's jumping at every opportunity to help you out, he's super into you. But even if he hasn't volunteered, a shy guy with a crush will jump at the opportunity to make you happy if you ask him, especially if it means they get to hang out around you.
It Comes Down To Personal Preference. Ultimately, it depends entirely on the man in question. Studies show that introverted or shy men are likely to be attracted to both shy and outgoing women, while extroverted men may have a preference for outgoing women.
He'll stand close to you. He might place his hands on you casually, like touching your arm or your shoulder when laughing at a joke. “A guy who holds your hand or puts his arm around you is showing interest. We don't tend to touch people we don't like, so touch can be an indication of attraction.”
Being an introvert can be extremely attractive to some people. Introversion can seem mysterious and intriguing, especially if it pairs with qualities such as kindness or being a caring person. If you are an introvert, someone may be attracted to the fact that you appear humble and down to earth.
The exercise of experiencing silence is another key tool that goes hand in hand with obtaining successful results through the Law of Attraction. You will find that taking time out to experience a moment of calming silence enhances the powers of the Law of Attraction.
They speak less and listen more, which gets people interested in them. What makes introverts attractive is their ability to observe beyond the words people speak. They pay close attention to details and are extremely prudent. Introverts are also genuinely concerned about others, which shows their empathic natures.
If someone displays unmanageable emotions and easily flies off the handle, this is a serious red flag. Responding with uncontrollable rage or the "silent treatment" could point to abusive (physical or emotional) behavior in the future, says Trombetti.
Research has found that people who received the silent treatment experienced a threat to their needs of belonging, self-esteem, control, and meaningful existence. This type of behavior reinforces the feeling that someone we care about wants nothing to do with us. It can feel as though you don't exist.
Don't let it stretch: Silent treatment will be effective only when partners reconnect quickly and make an effort to work through their issues. So, one clear answer to how long should the silent treatment last is to not let it stretch for days, weeks or months.
The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse typically employed by people with narcissistic tendencies.