Is it better to have light or dark gums?

Pink, red, pale, or even a bloody red – the color of your gums can tell the condition of your oral health. But generally, dentists at Icon Dental Center, Everett, and Seattle say that light to dark pink gums are the healthiest, whereas, the red color may mean your gums are sensitive or inflamed.

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What color of gums is best?

Healthy gums are light pink in colour, and appear turgid and without any bleeding. Whitish or dark colourations, or even bleeding, or the presence of or the presence of purplish gums are a symptom of disease or infection.

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Is it good to have dark gums?

Black gums can be a normal pigmentation for people with dark skin tones. However, black gums or black patches on your gums that are new may indicate a health concern. Conditions that cause black gums include melanotic macules, smoking, amalgam tattoos, medications, certain (systemic) diseases, and cancer.

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Are light colored gums good?

If you notice that your gums are lighter than usual (whether or not they were naturally pink before), then your oral health may need to be addressed with a dental professional. Pale gums may also be a sign of other medical issues, such as anemia, leukoplakia, or menopause.

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Are pale gums good?

White gums indicate that oral health issues. White gums are caused by a variety of conditions such as Gingivitis, Anaemia, Oral candidiasis, and many others. These conditions might lead to serious problems when not treated on time.

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Why Some People Have Black Gums

28 related questions found

What color is unhealthy gums?

What Color are Unhealthy Gums? Disease-causing bacteria can cause gums to become inflamed, which can sometimes lead to bright red gums. In other cases, the bacteria can cause an infection that results in white or blue gums. And in severe cases, the infection can cause the gums to turn black.

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Are dark gums unattractive?

The Impact of Gum Discoloration

Unfortunately, dark gums or gums that have patches of different colors on them can look unattractive even when the issues do not link to poor oral health.

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Are black gums beautiful?

Pale pink is the natural color of the gum tissues surrounding our teeth. Even though the gum color varies for each person, dark colored gums ruin your smile aesthetics because an optimal interrelation between teeth, gums, and other oral tissues is essential for a beautiful smile.

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How should healthy gums look?

Healthy gums are pink (or light brown if you are darker-skinned), firm, and do not bleed when you brush or floss. The gums fit snugly around the teeth on all sides to help protect the underlying bone.

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What color are healthy gums vs unhealthy?

If you have healthy gums, they will look firm and pink. Some signs of unhealthy gums include redness and swelling, gums that bleed when you brush or floss your teeth, and gums that appear to be pulling away from the teeth.

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Do some people have naturally dark gums?

Occasionally, they'll take on a slightly bruised look, but they won't be black in color. Having dark or black gums is, fortunately, considered completely natural for people who have more melanin in their skin.

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Why are my gums always dark?

The more melanin a person has in their body, the darker their hair, skin, or eyes will be. Dark brown or black gums may be due to a person having more melanin in the body. If a person's gums have always been very dark, there is no cause for concern.

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Do brown people have dark gums?

An excess of melanin (the stuff that makes your skin darker) in the body is typically what causes black gums. People with darker skin are much more likely to have black gums because they naturally have more melanin in their bodies.

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What do light gums mean?

Share on Pinterest Anemia is a common cause of pale gums. Anemia occurs when the body is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. A lack of blood can cause some tissues to grow pale. In addition to pale gums, a person with anemia may notice the following symptoms: inexplicable exhaustion or weakness.

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What color are gums with gingivitis?

Red Gums: Red gums, or gums that are deeply pink, often indicate an infection. Bright red gums may be highly sensitive, and they may bleed when you brush and floss. Yellow Gums: A slight yellow tint or film on your gums indicates gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.

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What your gums should not look like?

Red or swollen gums

Healthy gums should be pink and firm to the touch, but in the early stages of unhealthy gums or a worse gum disease (known as gingivitis), they can become red, swollen or, even painful.

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What gingivitis looks like?

Gingivitis can cause dusky red, swollen, tender gums that bleed easily, especially when you brush your teeth. Healthy gums are firm and pale pink and fitted tightly around the teeth.

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What are signs of bad gums?

Symptoms of gum disease can affect various areas of the mouth. Gums may be red, swollen, tender, or bleeding. The gums may pull away from the teeth making them appear longer. Loose or sensitive teeth.

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What your gums say about your health?

Signs That Your Gums Require Attention

Gums that aren't healthy can bleed or be red, puffy, or painful, especially when eating hot or cold foods or brushing or flossing your teeth. Diseased gums can also recede, or pull away from your teeth, which can increase your chances of experiencing tooth decay.

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What ethnicity has dark gums?

Natural Variations in Gum Color

Melanin, the dark pigment that gives skin its color, is also present in gum tissue. This pigment naturally darkens the gums. The Future Dental Journal reports that melanin pigmentation is common among people of African, Asian and Mediterranean ancestry.

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How rare are black gums?

It may not be very well known, but hundreds of thousands of people have “black gums” also known as gum hyperpigmentation. As the name suggests, the most common symptom is dark “black” spots or blotches on the gums. On rare occasions, It may be a sign of gingivitis but typically black gums pose no physical danger.

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What nationality has black gums?

You have a very light tone all the way to darker, olivey skin to black and it has to do with the production of this melanin. Now in the gums, it's very race specific so you could be Asian, Middle-Eastern, Mediterranean, African, and you're prone to this hyper pigmentation.

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Why do some Asians have black gums?

You have a very light tone to darker, olivey skin to black and, it has to do with the production of this melanin. Now in the gums, it's very rate-specific. So you could be Asian, middle-eastern, Mediterranean, African, and you're prone to this hyperpigmentation. This increased production of melanin.

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How can I lighten my gums?

Laser. One of the most effective treatments for gum lightening involves using intense light pulses to vaporize the top layer of gum tissue. This destroys melanin cells responsible for dark coloration and reveals pink tissue underneath. Laser treatment is a relatively painless procedure with instant results.

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Can I make my gums pink again?

There are two main options; a laser technique or a microdermabrasion process. The best way to decide is to consult the dental care expert as to which treatment may be best for you. All of these tips, along with regular trips to see the dentist can help you have not only healthy teeth but also gums.

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