If the other dog is on his back, the dominant dog might stand over him. In direct contrast, submissive body language broadcasts, “Don't hurt me!” or “I am not a threat!” The dog wants to make himself appear as small as possible. The body may be lowered, even to the ground. Ears are back.
In fact, most dogs fall somewhere in the middle of being both dominant and submissive. One important thing you can do to help avoid dominance and aggressive behaviors is to socialize your pup frequently and early.
The dog's ears may be pressed flat against the head, with his tail tucked between legs. The subordinate dog often freezes, averting eye contact, lowering his head and body, sometimes to the point of going “belly-up” on the ground. Passive submission may also be accompanied by submissive urination.
Calm, Submissive
When a dog is calm and submissive, her ears will lie back against her head and the tail will droop to the middle position. Her body will appear relaxed. A calm, submissive dog will also frequently sit or lie down, with the most submissive dog placing her chin on her paws or the floor.
❖ How dominance is established: Dogs usually establish their dominance hierarchies through a series of ritualized behaviors that include body postures and vocalizations that don't result in injury. One dog may "stand over" another by placing his paws or neck on the shoulders of the other.
Many dogs, sometimes even dogs that are typically more passive or submissive, will aggressively dominate a dog showing unrelenting, hyperactive, obnoxious submission. This can be true of human behavior as well.
Males can be more dominant, territorial, and easily distracted than female dogs. On the other hand, males can also be more playful, active, and independent. Dominance and territorial behaviour can also be seen in unspayed females when they are in heat.
But most dogs tend to bond to the person who gives them the most attention. For example, in a family with two parents and two kids, the dog may favor the parent who fills their bowl every morning and takes them for a walk every evening. In addition, physical affection solidifies the bond between dog and person.
In most cases, dominant behavior occurs when a dog has reached maturity, somewhere between one and three years old. However, it's not uncommon for dominant behavior to occur in older dogs or puppies.
In a nutshell — don't do it. Ever. The fallacy of the dominance down first came out of the idea that submission is generally shown by canids when they expose their inguinal region (where the genitalia are) while they lie on the ground.
Asserting Dominance
If you recently added a new dog to your pack, one of them may sit on you to assert that he's the top dog. By sitting on people, dogs often feel higher and more in control.
Submissive dogs are more likely to listen to a human's commands, but that does not mean they will not step up and defend. All members of the pack will step up and help the rest of the pack if need be.
When your dog exhibits submissive behavior towards you, he is usually trying to show respect and affection. It may also mean he trusts you and is comfortable being vulnerable around you. He may see you as the dominant member of the relationship, but that does not mean you need to change your behavior in any way.
Most dogs may display the odd dominance related behavior here and there, particularly while they are maturing, but in most cases, it doesn't develop into an aggression problem. Several circumstances may increase the chances of dominance aggression developing.
While it may sound obvious, growling at your dog is not likely to improve its aggressive behavioral problems, a new study suggests. Hitting it is probably worse. Researchers say dog owners who kick, hit or otherwise confront aggressive dogs with punitive training methods are doomed to have, well, aggressive pets.
The alpha dog will generally choose the sleeping spot, and will get first choice over the best place and position to sleep. The other dogs will only get to share the bed with the permission of the alpha dog, and the alpha will control who can sleep where.
When happy dogs roll onto their backs as a display of relaxation, chances are they will happily accept a loving belly rub or tickle. On the other hand, if a dog is rolling onto its back as a way of showing submissive behaviour, belly rubbing is not recommended.
Relaxed or Wiggly Body and Tail
When a dog is happy, their whole body and tail will look relaxed, and they quite often wiggle! A happy dog's whole body can wag along with their tail. A wriggling dog showing you their belly is likely to be a very happy and comfortable dog.