Mosquitoes are turned off by several natural scents: cinnamon, peppermint, cedar, citronella, lemongrass, patchouli, catnip, lavender, and more.
Bananas have not been proven to attract or repel mosquitoes. Experts agree that consuming bananas or other foods do not make us more or less attractive to mosquitoes, but what's in our body's natural chemistry – etched in our DNA!
Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender, citronella, clove, peppermint, basil, cedarwood, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary. They also hate smells such as smoke, for further insight, see our exploration on, does smoke keep mosquitoes away?
Some people claim that having vitamin B, eating garlic or bananas or Vegemite wards off mosquitoes, but Dr Webb says there is no evidence this works. In fact, he says your best bet is to wear loose fitting, light-coloured clothing and applying chemical repellent liberally.
It has long been said that if you eat enough garlic, midges and mosquitoes will steer clear of you. This technique can work since the odour of your breath masks the smell of carbon dioxide you exhale. The sulfur compounds emitted through your skin provide added protection.
It has taken decades of research, but scientists are close to working out why mosquitoes bite some people, and not others. It comes down to a complex trifecta of carbon dioxide, body temperature and body odour that makes some people more inviting to mozzies than others.
Lemongrass contains an oil called citronella, a common mosquito repellent. Swap your summer glass of lemonade for a chilled glass of lemongrass tea or carefully use lemongrass oil on your skin for a quick mosquito repellent.
Mosquitoes dislike the smell and taste of the vinegar, and will leave you alone so you can enjoy your BBQ. So if you're interested in seeking a natural insect repellent, try out this recipe which uses apple cider vinegar as a base! Fill your spray bottle with half water, and half apple cider vinegar.
Since coffee grounds have such a pungent and intense smell, mosquitoes do not like to come near it. Mosquitoes are repulsed by all types of coffee, whether it is fresh, used, or burnt. The most effective way to use coffee grounds for mosquito control is by burning them, as it creates a stronger aroma.
To reduce the possibility of a mosquito biting you, you could consider wearing white, green or blue. Lighter colors are less interesting to mosquitos than darker shades like navy and black, red or orange. However, clothing color alone is unlikely to keep mosquitos away for good.
Wu says: “Rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, and tea tree oil have antiseptic properties, so they could help prevent bites from getting infected. And their stinging sensation helps distract you from the itch. Hand sanitizers with alcohol will act in the same way.”
Cover up while outside (wear loose, long-sleeved, light-coloured clothing and covered footwear and socks), particularly at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Apply mosquito repellent evenly to all areas of exposed skin. The most effective repellents contain picaridin, DEET or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
Salt has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a miracle remedy for mosquito bites. Add a few drops of water in salt, and directly apply this paste on the affected area.
Do lemons repel flies and mosquitoes? YES! Citrus is a natural pest repellent and citrus essential oils are used in most homemade pest sprays.
As has been found in previous studies, more mosquitoes seemed to prefer people whose scent contained a blend of carboxylic acids, the oily secretions that hydrate and protect our skin. Two of those carboxylic acids are also found in Limburger cheese, McMeniman notes, a known lure for mosquitoes.
Dragonflies as well as being a natural predator of the mosquito are a fascinating and unique group of insects. Dragonflies are often referred to as "mosquito hawks" for their supposed ability to kill thousands of mosquitoes.
A repellent with DEET tells mosquitos to buzz off loud and clear. You'll need one with at least 20% DEET to protect your skin for several hours at a time, although more than 50% doesn't work any better (kids should use 10%-30%).
But avoiding beer and other liquors can help keep mosquitoes from flocking to you. Studies have shown that people who drink beer are more attractive to mosquitoes than people who have been sipping another type of drink. Mosquitoes also like warm, sweaty skin. Consumption of any type of alcohol makes the skin flush.