Should you tell a narcissist how you feel?

Even if what you did was completely by accident, they act like you're out to get them and hurt them. So I think the best thing to do is ignore them. Try to address the problem as best as you can and be cooperative – and totally let their emotional waves splash over you like nothing. Don't even acknowledge them at all.

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What should you not tell a narcissist?

Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist and licensed therapist, wants anyone who is in a narcissistic relationship to stop saying one phrase: "You make me feel." It's a way of expressing yourself that has many permutations, like 'when you say that, you make me feel guilty,' or 'when you do that, you make me feel angry.

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How do you express your feelings to a narcissist?

What should I say to someone who is narcissistic?
  1. Stay calm and respectful. ...
  2. Use 'I' statements. ...
  3. Advocate for yourself. ...
  4. Enforce boundaries. ...
  5. Avoid certain phrases. ...
  6. Remember you're not at fault. ...
  7. Know that you can't change them. ...
  8. Rely on a support system.

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What happens when you tell a narcissist how they make you feel?

No matter how much you tell narcissists you love them, admire them, or approve of them, they never feel it's enough—because deep down they don't believe anyone can love them. Despite all their self-absorbed, grandiose bragging, narcissists are actually very insecure and fearful of not measuring up.

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Is it worth explaining yourself to a narcissist?

Engaging in any type of explanation of your decisions or actions is not effective with the narcissist. He or she is not capable of trying to see any other perspective than the one they hold to be true. They are incapable of seeing their own bad behaviors, and it is simply easier to blame you.

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Stop trying to get a Narcissist to understand how they make you feel. They know they are hurting you

22 related questions found

How do you stand up for yourself with a narcissist?

  1. Educate yourself about NPD. ...
  2. Build your self-esteem. ...
  3. Speak up for yourself. ...
  4. Set clear boundaries. ...
  5. Practice skills to keep calm. ...
  6. Find a support system. ...
  7. Insist on immediate action, not promises. ...
  8. Understand that a narcissistic person may need professional help.

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Will a narcissist ask you about yourself?

They don't ask you any questions about yourself (because they don't care). People with narcissistic personalities tend to care more about themselves than anyone else. They often appear disinterested in learning about you—other than superficial facts, or discovering how you can be helpful to their endeavors.

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How does a narcissist want you to feel?

Your narcissist wants you to feel small, unlovable, powerless, and without value. This is how he controls you. He absolutely doesn't want you to live in the truth that you are lovable and have the power to make your own choices because then he loses control over you.

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What to say to a narcissist when they hurt your feelings?

The following are 16 key phrases to disarm a narcissist:
  • 1. “ ...
  • “I Can't Control How You Feel About Me” ...
  • “I Hear What You're Saying” ...
  • “I'm Sorry You Feel That Way” ...
  • “Everything Is Okay” ...
  • “We Both Have a Right to Our Own Opinions” ...
  • “I Can Accept How You Feel” ...
  • “I Don't Like How You're Speaking to Me so I Will not Engage”

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How do you let a narcissist know they are a narcissist?

An often effective way to point out a person's narcissism, while at the same time allowing the individual flexibility to change, is to separate the behavior from the person. For instance, instead of stating “you're a narcissist,” say “you're acting like a narcissist,” or “this [specify the behavior] is narcissistic.”

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What to say to shut down a narcissist?

What to Say to Disarm a Narcissist
  • “I don't agree with you, but you have a right to have your opinion. ...
  • “You are certainly entitled to your opinion. ...
  • “We can agree to disagree.”
  • “We will work on this together.”
  • “Let me ask your advice on this. ...
  • “I hear what you're saying.”
  • “I'm sorry you feel that way.”

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How do you mentally let a narcissist go?

  1. Go no-contact—absolutely no-contact.
  2. Just go. No lingering goodbyes.
  3. Consider blocking common friends.
  4. Write down why you left.
  5. Assume that the narcissist will move on quickly.
  6. Give yourself time to grieve.
  7. Keep yourself busy.
  8. Copyright 2016 Sarkis Media.

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How do you beat a narcissist emotionally?

How to Beat a Narcissist
  1. 1 Go limited or no-contact if you can.
  2. 2 Stay calm when they're trying to upset you.
  3. 3 Use “we” language to get them on your side.
  4. 4 Give praise and compliments to neutralize them.
  5. 5 Say something nice before you give criticism.
  6. 6 Let them feel accomplished to minimize drama.

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What turns a narcissist off?

When you don't depend on anyone to make money and you use your abundance to take care of yourself and not predators, you will always have the ability to control your own future. This is power, and pathologically envious narcissists are often turned off by it because it means they cannot easily control a victim.

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Should you let a narcissist know they hurt you?

Narcissists don't know they're hurting you. It doesn't even enter their minds. And, if you try to tell them how you feel, they get defensive and make you feel you're wrong again. In fact, they'll even rather “innocently” tell you: “I'm only trying to help you.”

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What the narcissist fears most?

Although narcissists act superior, entitled and boastful, underneath their larger-than-life facade lies their greatest fear: That they are ordinary. For narcissists, attention is like oxygen. Narcissists believe only special people get attention.

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Can you emotionally hurt a narcissist?

Narcissists can feel emotional pain, but not usually in the same way as others. The emotional pain they may feel is usually related to underlying selfish needs. Underneath the displays of superiority and sense of entitlement, they often feel empty, powerless, and shameful, which they perceive as weakness.

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Can you apologize to a narcissist?

This is a great quality to have because it shows you can experience empathy and consider others. While you would think this approach would be best in most any situation, one situation in which apologizing can lead to worse outcomes is with the narcissist. Never apologize to a narcissist.

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What to do when you've upset a narcissist?

Dealing with any form of narcissist can be difficult, but when you see that the narcissist is enraged, do not continue engaging with them. Physically distance yourself from them as much as you can. Ignore them and avoid any interaction with them. Set your boundaries, remembering that they will try to manipulate you.

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Do narcissists care about your feelings?

Narcissists can sometimes be helpful and caring. However, more often than not, they only pretend to have these qualities. Moreover, even when they act giving and helping, they are not motivated by empathy because they severely lack it, and as a result, their help is often not very productive.

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What makes a narcissist want you more?

Narcissists want to be seen with someone who takes pride in their looks. If you want the narcissist to really obsess over you, try to look as good or better than the narcissist. Put a lot of thought into your clothes and personal grooming. Always look your best no matter how casual the situation is.

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Can a narcissist be happy for you?

They will never be happy for you.

Without empathy, it's impossible for the narcissist to know or recognize what makes you happy. They are unwilling to think about your needs. They lack insight into your emotions. They believe you should feel the same way they feel.

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What is the best question to ask a narcissist?

3 Interview Questions That Tactfully Weed Out Narcissists
  • What's a personal opinion you've had and changed in the past year?
  • What's the best (or worst) piece of advice you've gotten?
  • Tell me a story about how luck played a role in your life.

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What happens when you compliment a narcissist?

2) False Flattery

Narcissists are so hungry for praise that they assume others are as well. They may tell you that you are special, that only you understand them, or that only you know how to take care of them.

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Does the narcissist ever think about me?

It's true: Your narcissistic ex will remember you but not — never — in the way you hope they will, as the “great love of their life”. Most of the time they won't even think about you and you know why: They're too busy spinning their web to snare the next unsuspecting spider.

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