Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
There are five primary dimensions of the healing process. These five dimensions incorporate the cognitive, emotional, physical, transformational along with the actionable steps we take to better ourselves and our lives. These dimensions are not mutually exclusive in that they all overlap.
The wound-healing process consists of four highly integrated and overlapping phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling or resolution (Gosain and DiPietro, 2004).
The four phases of wound healing. The complicated mechanism of wound healing occurs in four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling.
Healing takes place on five levels: Physical, Electromagnetic, Mental, Intuitive, and Spiritual. Developmental problems can manifest at several levels. Influences flow both up and down.
What was the secret these ancient healers discovered? How to harmoniously balance the five basic energies, or “elements” (earth, metal, water, wood, and fire) that relate to our body's organs and play a key role in our health.
I believe there are five primary components to true healing: Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart, I AM (Affirmations and Beliefs). When we attend to all these five aspects of our lives, we can heal at the deepest possible levels.
According to the World Health Organization, the four dimensions of wellness – social, physical, spiritual and intellectual – are all intertwined and can affect each other. It is not simply an absence of illness. Integrating the four dimensions can help you develop a personalized plan to live life more completely.
The biopsychosocial model of wellness and medicine examines how the three aspects – biological, psychological and social – occupy roles in relative health or disease.
The concept of five elements healing comes from Chinese medicine and how your health relates to the elements of water, metal, fire, earth, and wood. Each of these five elements corresponds to five positive emotional states.
Depending on the type of injury that has occurred, the brain will likely be the organ responsible for beginning the healing process. To do this, signals are relayed throughout the nervous system: brain, spinal cord and nerves.
The four cardinal signs of inflammation—redness (Latin rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), and pain (dolor)—were described in the 1st century ad by the Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus. Redness is caused by the dilation of small blood vessels in the area of injury.
Healing begins with Hemostasis. During Phase 2, a type of white blood cells called neutrophils enter the wound to destroy bacteria and remove debris. These cells often reach their peak population between 24 and 48 hours after injury, reducing greatly in number after three days.
The wound healing process is usually characterized as four sequential but overlapping phases: haemostasis (0–several hours after injury), inflammation (1–3 days), proliferation (4–21 days) and remodelling (21 days–1 year) [1].
Levels of Healing: Individual, Interpersonal, Institutional & Structural.
The 5 Stages of Emotional Healing
The five stages of healing are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages were first introduced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her book “On Death and Dying” in 1969, and have since been applied to the process of emotional healing as well.
The most effective way to heal the soul is by utilizing meditation, yoga, counseling, etc. These practices help us focus on our innermost needs while allowing us to express ourselves freely without fear of judgment or embarrassment.