These four chords are the magic
The famous four chords used in many pop song progressions are the I, V, vi and IV chords of a major key. The roman numerals represent the numbers of the major scale we begin a chord from (1, 5, 6, 4) so in C major this would be C, G, Amin, F or in G major it would be G, D, Emin, C.
Here's a fun video that was shared with me over the weekend by a subscriber. Here, Ed Sheeran shows how most pop songs only use four chords, and it's the vocals over the top that is more unique. The four chords he is referring to are Em, G, C and D.
The Magic Chord is a chord and installation (1984) created by La Monte Young, consisting of the pitches E, F, A, B♭, D, E, G, and A, in ascending order and used in works including his The Well-Tuned Piano and Chronos Kristalla (1990).
Many scholars believe that the term “secret chord” refers to an unknown or mysterious musical key or melody that David used when he played his harp during his time as a young shepherd boy and later as king of Israel.
This chord is built of the notes C-Eb-G-B. The Minor element of the chord is found in the bottom two notes: C and Eb. Together, those two notes form an interval called the Minor 3rd, which is the most important interval that defines a Minor chord.
The harmonic language of the Beatles mainly uses the chords I, IV and V (in C major: C, F and G major) and the relative minors vi and ii (A minor and D minor). Table 1 shows the frequencies of chords in songs in major, transposed to the key of C.
Well, I have good news! The topic of chords is huge, but the answer here is simple: by learning just four basic chords, you have everything you need to write great songs.
Eb major is the most popular key for a Coldplay song, but Ab, Bb, Gb, F and C are also pretty common. A, D and G are less popular, and the rest are minimal/occasional.
Let's not beat around the bush any longer - The first 4 chords you need to learn as a beginner player are E major, E minor, A major and A minor.
1. C - G - Am - F (I - V -vi - IV) This just might be the most popular chord progression in Western popular music. There is an actual mathematical explanation as to why it's such a pleasant progression.
I-IV-V chord progression is the happiest progression but it's not the only happy progression. There are many other progressions that can sound super happy. i-VI-III-VII starts with minor but the following Major chords create a cheerful atmosphere.
The I, IV, and V chords are the three most common and arguably the most important harmonic elements in the musical universe.
Whether you are just starting to explore music or have been playing an instrument for many years, you have surely heard or read about the I, IV and V chords. These chords are extensively talked about in music theory and for a very good reason; in short, they represent the fundamentals of classical and popular music.
4/4 means there are 4 beats in each measure and a quarter note receives one count. 2/4 means there are 2 beats in each measure and a quarter note receives one count.
The Big Four Chords on Piano
These four chords are by far the most popular chords in music. Once you know them, you'll have unlocked hundreds of pop songs. And we're not exaggerating! That's because these four chords are the I, the V, the IV, and the vi (respectively) chords in C Major.
Everybody does that today, but that was the first time we'd heard that in a rock song.” Harrison responded: “I'm really pleased that you noticed that. That's an E7th with an F on the top, played on the piano. I'm really proud of that because I literally invented that chord,” the guitarist said.
The opening chord has been the source of constant speculation over the years but was finally confirmed by George Harrison as a Fadd9 during an online chat on 15 February 2001. The Beatle revealed, “It is F with a G on top (on the 12-string), but you'll have to ask Paul about the bass note to get the proper story.”
Like the Beast, it goes by many names: Diabolus in musica (devil in music), the devil's interval, the tritone, the triad and the flatted fifth. As its Latin moniker suggests, it's an evil sounding combination of notes that's designed to create a chilling or foreboding atmosphere.
The diminished chord is the darkest chord in music. This is because it's constructed with stacked minor third intervals.
In music a tritone consists of two notes that are three whole steps apart, such as “C” to “F#.” Not found in either the major or minor scales, and due to its discordant sound, it has been called “the Devil's Chord.”