Please, sorry and thank you are known as the Golden Words. Using these three words means you have good manners. Remember, everyone likes children who have good manners. How often do you use them?
The golden words of being polite: Thank you, Sorry, May I, Please, Excuse me. The golden words which bring a smile on every face. Have we ever said them to our parents?
The five magic words are; Please, Thank you, I'm sorry, Pardon me and Excuse me. These five magic words are words that must be infused in every growing child's vocabulary. Magic words are important because it would help children learn polite language and the appropriate situations in which to use them.
The Magic Words....
The building blocks of proper etiquette and good manners begin with the magic words "please", "thank you", "you're welcome" and "I'm sorry". These are the words and phrases that should be taught to children from an early age.
"Please, Sorry, and Thank You" are the three magic words. The significance of these three magical phrases is sometimes overlooked. We seldom use these terms because we are unaware of their importance. These three words are the golden words of being polite.
Abracadabra – magic word used by magicians.
The Magic Words have been divided into coloured levels according to their frequency - Golden Words, Red Words, Blue Words, Green Words, Orange Words, Indigo Words and Violet Words are contained in the first 100 words: Pink Words, Purple Words, Aqua Words, Lime Words and Lemon Words are the 101-200 Words and Ruby, ...
The 12 golden words make up a quarter of all the words in reading.
From Harry Potter spells to alchemy to demonic possession, Latin is the go-to language of magic.
“Life won't wait.” “Believe in yourself.” “Let it be.” “Hold my hand.”
12 Golden Words are the most common words in all reading and make up 1/4 or one in every four words. Learning the 12 Golden Words allows children to begin reading little books. Children can begin reading small repetitious books, using the pictures, like “This is a dog”. “This is a cat”.
Words give out energy, evoke emotions, and set the tone for back and forth conversation.
'Golden words' is a term often used to refer to the highest frequency words. These are the words that we come across most often when reading. They're usually the first words children learn when they're starting out with reading.
The Magic 300 Words Literacy Resource Manual features the next 100 most frequently used words (201-300) in English and extensive activities for teaching these most important words.
Magic 200 Words Activities
The front of these Learning Boards match the ones sent home from school and are ideal for learning the Magic 200 Words, which are the 101-200 most frequently used words in reading and writing.
“Please and Thank you, they're called the magic words. If you want nice things to happen, they're the words that should be heard.”
Following the '12 Golden Words' are the 20 Red Words, 12 Blue Words, 16 Green Words, 16 Orange Words, 12 Indigo Words and 12 Violet Words which make up the Magic 100 Words; which make up half of all the words in reading.
Magic in Anglo-Saxon England (Old English: galdorcræft) refers to the belief and practice of magic by the Anglo-Saxons between the fifth and eleventh centuries AD in Early Mediaeval England.
The first known mention of the word was in the second century AD in a book called Liber Medicinalis (sometimes known as De Medicina Praecepta Saluberrima) by Serenus Sammonicus, physician to the Roman emperor Caracalla, who in chapter 52 prescribed that malaria sufferers wear an amulet containing the word written in ...