Repeated violations or consistent hurtful behaviors erode trust. Lack of trust can impact your relationship as it may create many problems. 2 A lack of trust can also affect your mental health.
Causes of Distrust
There are many reasons people feel distrustful: past broken promises, betrayals, knowledge of someone's bad reputation, or conflict of interests are all common and understandable reasons for distrust (Lewicki, 2006; Schul & Burnstein, 2008).
vb. 1 to grind or wear down or away or become ground or worn down or away. 2 to deteriorate or cause to deteriorate. jealousy eroded the relationship.
Trust has three drivers: authenticity, logic, and empathy. When trust is lost, it can almost always be traced back to a breakdown in one of them.
Creating a high-trust environment is not easy. However, the components are clear: care, communication, character, consistency and competence.
There are 4 elements that create trust: competence, caring, commitment, consistency.
Trust can be damaged or destroyed in many ways. Trust is damaged when laughing at, not with, the other person, talking behind each other's backs, gossiping or openly moralizing about another person's behavior. Trust is damaged through expressions of disinterest or disrespect, and the refusal to reciprocate openness.
Trust issues often come from early life experiences and interactions. These experiences often take place in childhood. Some people do not get enough care and acceptance as children. Others are abused, violated, or mistreated.
Lying is the number one behavior that diminishes trust. It also tops the list of what people say when they think of trust betrayed. No surprise there.
A lack of trust may stem from previous experiences; perhaps the person has posttraumatic stress, has been abused in the past, cheated on, or suffered from family issues such as a parent walking out. Whatever the cause, a deficiency of trust can cause serious problems for individuals.
Gossip is the number-one trust breaking behavior within teams. Rather than going directly to the individual with an issue or concern, members talk to everyone else. The grapevine begins to flourish. As the time goes on, if the gossip is unchecked, it becomes more prevalent, happens more often, becomes more disruptive.
Someone with trust issues may not be eager to open up or get close to others, even if they long for deep and meaningful relationships. They may have trouble letting themselves go, being vulnerable, and/or being physically intimate.
Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer.
Lying is the number one behavior that diminishes trust. It also tops the list of what people say when they think of trust betrayed. No surprise there. But we don't need to lie or deceive or manipulate to diminish trust.
Clients use the first two factors (credibility and compatibility) to categorize a salesperson as trustworthy. A positive conclusion about the trustworthiness of the salesperson is necessary before a client will trust that agent.
In this article, the author discusses the four elements of trust: (1) consistency; (2) compassion; (3) communication; and (4) competency. Each of these four factors is necessary in a trusting relationship but insufficient in isolation. The four factors together develop trust.
Sometimes called the six key elements of building trust, the 6 C's are the essential skills and attributes that will help you enhance the confidence in your relationships: character, caring, competence, consistency, credibility, and communication.