The light of the Trinity, which suffuses the mind in the highest forms of prayer, is sapphire blue, the colour of heaven.
The 3 Colors of Ministry presents a holistic approach to identifying and developing your spiritual gifts. It is based on the three dimensions of God's nature, for which the author has chosen the colors of green, red and blue.
But Austin, 10, says: “God doesn't have a color. He is so glorious, he doesn't need one. When we go to heaven, we won't care what color he is.” Memorize this truth: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).
Regardless, one of the three gifts given by the Wise Men to Jesus was gold. While gold represents God's deity, black represents suffering and death in the Bible.
Blue in the Bible
Blue represents heaven (Exodus 24:10) and the healing power of God.
Blue is the colour of aura
According to Bhagavad Gita, the blissful form of Lord Krishna is visible only to pure devotees. He may have bewildered the non-devotees, but those who offered pure devotional service to Him had always seen Him in his blue blissful form.
Blue: Symbolic of the Heavenly Realm. As such, purple represents royalty, priesthood, and wealth. Growth And Development.
Liturgical colours are specific colours used for vestments and hangings within the context of Christian liturgy. The symbolism of violet, blue, white, green, red, gold, black, rose and other colours may serve to underline moods appropriate to a season of the liturgical year or may highlight a special occasion.
Spiritual colours are those that are associated with or signify the soul. Red, orange, yellow, green, white, black, and brown are some of the spiritual colours. Each of these colours has spiritual significance as well as other positive vibes associated with it.
Saffron: The most sacred color, representing religious abstinence and quest for light. It is the color usually wore by holy men and ascetics.
White: White refers to holiness, light, purity, redemption, and the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Mark 16:5). Black: Black symbolizes sin, darkness, death, and catastrophe (Zephaniah 1:15). Silver: Silver is symbolic for the Word of God, divinity, salvation, and refining (Psalm 66:10).
Most ancient peoples, including blacks, color-coded good and evil in the way that Hebrews and early Christians did. Black was the color of sin, evil, and death; and white was the symbol of goodness, God, and eternal life.
It is even mentioned in that verse in Isaiah. Red must be God's favorite color since that is the color He gave blood when He created humanity. That blood red color was what the Passover angel saw when he passed over the Israelites as they prepared to leave the bondage of Egypt.
BLUE. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven.
Jesus himself said that “God is Spirit.” Whether or not spirit can possess the property of color I do not know but, if so, we are certainly not told which color. Besides that, both the Old and New testaments insist that God is invisible to humans.
Ezekiel Described God's Glory
as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward…as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about” (Ezekiel 1:26-27, KJV).
“The color red works as a stimulant, notably of blood and to a lesser extent the nerves; yellow and orange as nerve stimulants; blue and violet as soothing to all systems and as having anti-inflammatory properties.
Green is the color of healing; it is beneficial in all healing situations. In the aura green signifies balance, peace and often indicates ability as a healer.
It came in the form of the explanation Christian Science gives of God as Mind, Principle, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love--synonymous terms for the one God. I finally understood that God, defined in this way, has no color.
Yellow is for happiness, hope and spontaneity
For that reason, it can also be used to signify caution, like red and orange. As a warm color, yellow can also feel upbeat and bright.
The Bible doesn't specifically mention Jesus' favorite color but we know He would've witnessed the oranges and reds of sunsets, the blue of the sky, the green of the reeds planted by streams of water, the green of the frog in the river, the yellow wheat fields ready for harvest, and the white of the lilies of the field ...
Because purple dye was historically expensive to produce, it is often associated with wealth. Western cultures: Purple represents royalty, wealth, and fame. However, in some parts of Europe, it's associated with death. Eastern/Asian cultures: Purple also represents nobility in most Asian cultures.
Pride: Violet/Purple. Gluttony: Orange. Sloth: Light Blue.
The color blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence.