What do Australian call fries?

Australian, British and New Zealand English uses "chips" for what North Americans call french fries. When confusion would occur between the two meanings, "hot chips" and "cold chips" are used.

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Why do Australians call fries chips?

Why do Australians call fries chips? American chips are what the British call crisps, while our British chips are usually shorter and more chunky than the sort called French fries; Australians use chips for both the American and British sorts, distinguishing the latter by calling them hot chips.

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What do Aussies call potatoes?

tatie; tater Potato.

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What do Australians call corn chips?

CC's (pronounced sea-seas and short for “corn chips”) is an Australian brand of flavoured tortilla chips produced since the early 1980s, originally by The Smith's Snackfood Company, and currently by Snack Brands Australia. CC's are predominantly sold in Australia and come in assorted flavours.

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What do Australians call fish and chips?

This vowel is famously expressed in the different way New Zealanders and Australians pronounce 'fish and chips' – a fast-food dish common in both countries. It is commonly claimed that New Zealanders say 'fush and chups' and Australians say 'feesh and cheeps'.

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A guide to Australia's best fries ?

32 related questions found

What do Aussies call ice cream?

Icy-pole: Ice cream or popsicle. Jumper: Sweater—but can be both knit or jersey.

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What do Aussies call hot dogs?

Snag. Definition: sausage, also used to refer to sliced bread and sausage combo, Australian hot dog. Example: “Grab a few snags for the party tonight!” Snag isn't just a part of Australian vocabulary; it's part of Australian culture.

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What do Australians call flip flops?

The shoe known in Australia as a “thong” is one of the oldest styles of footwear in the world. Worn with small variations across Egypt, Rome, Greece, sub-Saharan Africa, India, China, Korea, Japan and some Latin American cultures, the shoe was designed to protect the sole while keeping the top of the foot cool.

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What do Aussies call eggplant?

Eggplant = aubergine

Americans and Aussies call it eggplant because of its shape. Brits still refer to it by its original French name.

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What do Australians call kangaroos?

A female kangaroo is known as a 'flyer' or a 'doe' and a male kangaroo a 'buck' or a 'boomer' (hence the nickname of the Australian men's basketball team, the Boomers). They live in social groups called mobs.

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How do Aussies say french fries?

Usage notes. Australian, British and New Zealand English uses "chips" for what North Americans call french fries. When confusion would occur between the two meanings, "hot chips" and "cold chips" are used.

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Do Aussies say chip or crisp?

Definition. In Australia, chips can refer to 'hot' chips; fried strips of potato. Chips also refer to what are known in other countries as crisps.

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What do Australians call Mcdonalds?

Here in Australia, however, McDonald's most prevalent nickname is “Macca's”. A recent branding survey commissioned by McDonald's Australia found that 55 per cent of Australians refer to the company by its local slang name.

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Do Australians call it crisps or chips?

American chips are what the British call crisps, while our British chips are usually shorter and more chunky than the sort called French fries; Australians use chips for both the American and British sorts, distinguishing the latter by calling them hot chips.

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What is Australian slang for girl?

5. Sheila = Girl. Yes, that is the Australian slang for girl.

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What do Australian call pickles?

But it gets confusing because in America, Canada and Australia, the term 'pickle' is usually used to refer to pickled cucumbers. So, gherkins are pickles but pickles are not gherkins (just pickled cucumbers). It takes four or five hours to pickle a cucumber, but to pickle a gherkin - it could take up to 30 days.

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What do people in Australia call cookies?

In Australia, "biscuits" are what Americans call "cookies," and these traditional treats date back to World War I. It's said that wives and mothers of soldiers in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps—abbreviated to "Anzac"—baked these treats to send to their men overseas.

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What do Australians call a couch?

Sofa is more common in Britain, while couch is preferred in North America, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

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What do Australian call the bathroom?

dunny – a toilet, the appliance or the room – especially one in a separate outside building. This word has the distinction of being the only word for a toilet which is not a euphemism of some kind. It is from the old English dunnykin: a container for dung. However Australians use the term toilet more often than dunny.

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What do Aussies call sweaters?

Depending on which country you are from, you may use the term, woollen sweater, wool jumper, pullover or jersey – they can all be used when referring to a wool jumper, woollen jumper Australia, knitwear Australia or woollen sweaters. Woolen jumpers Australia are what we know as a woollen pullover.

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What do Aussies call sandwiches?

Sanger is an alteration of the word sandwich. Sango appeared as a term for sandwich in the 1940s, but by the 1960s, sanger took over to describe this staple of Australian cuisine.

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What do Australian call sausages?

Why do Australians call sausages snags? The Australian National Dictionary Centre suggests that snag as slang for "sausage" most likely derives from the earlier British slang for "light meal", although it makes no comment on how it came to be specifically applied to sausages.

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