Shalom (Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם šālōm; also spelled as sholom, sholem, sholoim, shulem) is a Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility and can be used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye.
The English phrase, “The Lord is Peace”, translates the Hebrew, Jehovah Shalom. The name Jehovah conveys the thought of being, or existing, or becoming known, while the term shalom refers to soundness, completeness, harmony and the absence of strife.
The traditional greeting among Jews is shalom aleichem, peace unto you; to which the response is aleichem shalom, to you, peace.
God gives “perfect peace” (or shalom-shalom) — i.e., profound psychological and emotional peace – to those who steadfastly set their minds on him (Isaiah 26:3). The result of righteousness before God is “peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever” (Isaiah 32:17).
At the end of this story, Gideon builds an altar, calling it Yahweh Shalom, “The LORD is peace.” Gideon uses this name for God in response to a word of assurance: “Peace! Do not be afraid.
In the Gospels, Jesus often uses the greeting "Peace be unto you" (e.g., Matthew 10:12), a translation of shalom aleichem.
interjectionHebrew. peace (used as a word of greeting or farewell).
God's Promise of Shalom
The Hebrew word translated “prosper you”, is the word “shalom”. So, the promise of prosperity that God makes in this passage is actually a promise of Shalom. We usually take this word to mean “peace”, but its true meaning is far more than this! “Shalom” refers to whole of community restoration…
Aramaic is best known as the language Jesus spoke. It is a Semitic language originating in the middle Euphrates. In 800-600 BC it spread from there to Syria and Mesopotamia. The oldest preserved inscriptions are from this period and written in Old Aramaic.
The word Shalom is a very important word. It has several meanings: it is a greeting word (like Hello, but also Goodbye), it means peace and health and stems from the root S.L.M. that means complete or perfect.
“Well, it's common to both religions," Imam Omar Abunamous of the Islamic Cultural Center of New York told the New York Daily News. "They are the same thing. The same idea." Like its Arabic counterpart, the Hebrew phrase "Shalom aleichem" is a greeting that means "peace be upon you."
Biblically, Shalom has been used to reference the well-being of people, cities, and nations, which bodes well for your little pacifist. A delightful name that embodies the good in the world, beautiful Shalom is sure to receive approval from parents globally.
One of God's names in the Bible is Yahweh-Shalom, which means the Lord is Peace. The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, means wholeness in all of life, completeness, welfare, safety. God is our source of all of these blessings.
John 14:27. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
In light of the disciples' fears on the evening of this resurrection day, Jesus' words of peace refer immediately to their present situation. He reassures them in the midst of certain and real fear of the Jews, they ought to be at “peace.” This is not the first time Jesus mentions peace.
How do you use the word 'Shalom'? In Israel today, when you greet someone or say goodbye, you say, Shalom. You are literally saying, “may you be full of well-being” or, “may health and prosperity be upon you.” In a way, it is a blessing for coming and going, in any time frame, in any situation.
Jewish word of greeting, Hebrew, literally "peace," properly "completeness, soundness, welfare," from stem of shalam "was intact, was complete, was in good health." Related to Arabic salima "was safe," aslama "surrendered, submitted" (compare Islam).
peace. noun. : a state of tranquility or quiet: as. : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom.
The term "peace" is used in the New Testament in at least five different ways: (1) peace as the absence of war or chaos, (2) peace as a right relationship with God or with Christ; (3) peace as a good relationship among people; (4) peace as an individual virtue or state, that is, tranquillity or serenity; and (5) peace ...
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance on you, and give you shalom. As you probably know, shalom means peace, but is also used as a greeting, for both hello and goodbye.