In some cultures, including Australia, Greece, and the Middle East, the thumbs-up gesture can be considered obscene, equivalent to “Up yours!” In many Western cultures, the thumbs-up emoji enjoys a wide range of use in text messages, social-media posts, and other forms of digital communication.
The thumbs up emoji usually just means “OK.”
The person you're texting is giving you their approval, so take it and leave it! Their ? is most likely a good sign and they are just agreeing with what you're saying. Say you asked a friend if they wanted to meet for lunch. Your friend may say “yes” by sending you a ? .
REPLY to their Response
Perhaps a simple "You are welcome", perhaps something more based on your investigation.
The Aussie salute, otherwise known as the Barcoo salute(named after the region around Barcoo River, Queensland), is the gesture commonly deployed all across Australia to deter bush flies (Musca vetustissima) from the human face.
Thumbs up. Thumbs up is perhaps the most common of hand gestures and one that has been used for thousands of years. The signal for approval or agreement is commonly found European and American cultures as a sign of approval or that things are going according to plan.
For some, the thumbs up emoji is just simply an emoji used when quickly acknowledging a message or expressing general contentment. However, to others, this emoji is actually quite rude and in particular, Gen Z users are against using it as it is a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic emoji.
'People from younger generations are trying to avoid the thumbs up emoji as they see it as passive aggressive and a low effort response. 'A Gen Z demographic might also view the 'slight smile' face as highly performative and slightly passive aggressive,' added the linguist.
Though many western countries recognize a "thumbs up" gesture as an affirmative sign or sign of approval, in Australia it is considered a rude gesture having a meaning similar to that of a raised middle finger.
Australians respect people with strong opinions, even if they don't agree. Avoid discussions about the treatment of the aboriginal people. Don't comment on anyone's accent. Accents often distinguish social class.
They value authenticity, sincerity, and loathe pretentiousness. Australians prefer people who are modest, humble, self- deprecating and with a sense of humour. They do not draw attention to their academic or other achievements and tend to distrust people who do. Australians place a high value on relationships.
Comment on the smiley face.
To respond positively, text something like, “Hey there! Thanks for the ?, right back at ya!” To turn someone down nicely, say, “I'm flattered, but I'm just not interested.” If you're not sure what the other person is trying to communicate, just ask!
Use an emoji like the kissy face or heart eyes emoji, and let them know you're thinking about them even though you can't talk. Before you go to sleep, say something like “Goodnight, I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow! Xoxo” or “Sweet dreams!”
/ˈθʌmzˈʌp/ noun. Britannica Dictionary definition of THUMBS–UP. [singular] : a gesture in which you hold your hand out with your thumb pointed up in order to say yes, to show approval, etc.
? Ok Hand emoji
The OK hand emoji has a range of meanings: It can stand in for the word OK, (or the OK hand gesture) communicate strong approval, mark sarcasm, or combine with other emoji to represent sex.
?? — Shy, nervous – usually in the context of flirting.
It is considered impolite to ask a direct question about a person's salary or wealth. Inquiring about someone's weight or age is also highly inappropriate in many situations. Spitting in public is rude. If there is a line for something, always queue and wait for your turn.
Australian values based on freedom, respect, fairness and equality of opportunity are central to our community remaining a secure, prosperous and peaceful place to live. Our values define and shape our country and they are a reason why so many people want to become Australian citizens.
A short guide to compliments
Beaut! or You beauty! Exclamation of delight. Bonzer Good, a good thing. Mate A sworn friend – one you'd do anything for – as essential as beer to the Australian stereotype.
The thumbs-up gesture is a sign of approval in most countries. However, in several countries in West Africa and the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the gesture has the connotation of "up yours!" It's used the same way the middle finger is in the US.
Obscene Gestures: Raising one's middle finger or making the 'V' sign with one's palm facing oneself is considered very rude in Australia. Beckoning: Australians beckon people by waving them over with their palm facing up.
Iran: Thumbs-up
“Unfortunately, in Iran and neighboring countries like Afghanistan, the thumbs-up is equivalent to the middle finger!” explains Dana Hooshmand, an author for Discover Discomfort, a language- and culture learning resource. In America, the middle finger is the profane one; in Iran, it's the thumb.
Sending emojis, meaning “picture characters” in Japanese, can make you look old. Inside the workplace, emojis can make you appear out of touch, “rude” and even passive-aggressive, according to a new report from Prospectus Global.
Subtle digs or negative comments are a common form of passive aggression. For example, a person might comment on a topic they know makes another person uncomfortable, such as their dating life or weight. They might also use their knowledge about a person's history to subtly hurt them.
?: A yellow face with simple, open eyes and a thin, closed smile. Conveys a wide range of positive, happy, and friendly sentiments. Its tone can also be patronizing, passive-aggressive, or ironic, as if saying 'This is fine' when it's really not.