What happens if you dont take care of a gum infection?

Left untreated, gingivitis will progress to periodontitis, which can range from moderate to severe. While gingivitis causes unpleasant symptoms, most of those symptoms are reversible. Periodontitis causes irreversible damage to your teeth and supporting structures.

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What happens if a gum infection goes untreated?

Untreated gingivitis will progress into periodontitis, which is a more severe stage of gum disease. The infection and pockets deepen while eating away at your jaw until your teeth become loose and fall out.

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How serious can a gum infection be?

Untreated infections may lead to complications. For example, infected tissue may put the root of a nearby tooth at risk, which could lead to the complete loss of the tooth. Additionally, infections from infected gum tissue may spread to the jaw or surrounding bone, potentially damaging the tissue.

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How do I know if my gum infection is serious?

One of the primary symptoms is that gums will be red and swollen. They will also be tender to the touch. While gingivitis may result in some minor swelling or darkening of the color of the gums, an infection will result in even more swelling and deeper redness. Bleeding gums is another sign of infection.

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Can your body fight off gum infection?

If you're healthy, it's likely that your body will fight off the oral bacteria in your bloodstream before it can cause direct harm through infections, but a constant invasion of bacteria from untreated gum disease carries its own problems.

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3 Easy Ways to Prevent Gum Disease at Home!

31 related questions found

How long can gum infections be untreated?

The Danger of Untreated Infected Teeth and Gums

If they are not treated, they can last for several months or years. There are two types of dental abscess – one can form under the tooth (periapical) and the other in the supporting gum and bone (periodontal).

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How long can I leave a gum infection?

In case a person does not treat a dental abscess in its initial stage, then the infection may last anywhere between 5 months to 12 months or even more. Moreover, if no treatment is meted out to the condition, the precious dental pulp will die away and may get another abscess.

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What are the stages of a gum infection?

Gum disease: an illness in different stages
  • Periodontitis Stage 1: Initial.
  • Periodontitis Stage 2: Moderate.
  • Periodontitis Stage 3: Severe with potential for tooth loss.
  • Periodontitis Stage 4: Severe with potential for loss of all the teeth.

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What happens if you leave an infected gum?

If the abscess ruptures, the pain may improve a lot, making you think that the problem has gone away — but you still need to get dental treatment. If the abscess doesn't drain, the infection may spread to your jaw and to other areas of your head and neck.

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What is stage 4 gum infection?

Stage 4: Progressive Periodontitis

This stage involves teeth looseness, shifting teeth, red, swollen and painful gums, often forming an abscess. The end result — eating and even smiling is hard and painful, and you may lose most of your teeth.

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How long does it take for gum disease to become serious?

If you have mild gingivitis, it can take weeks or even months for it to turn into periodontitis. However, if you have severe gingivitis, it can progress into periodontitis in as little as a few days. This is why it is so important to see a dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms of gingivitis.

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What happens if tooth infection spreads to jaw?

Tooth infections that have traveled to the jawbone can lead to severe dental abscesses and jawbone infections. Osteomyelitis in the jaw causes persistent pain, jaw stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. Additionally, bacterial infections of the teeth can also spread to the bloodstream and cause sepsis.

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What does dental sepsis feel like?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have sepsis, and you need to go to the emergency room or call 911 right away: Severe pain. A high fever. Shivering or feeling cold.

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When should you go to the hospital for a gum infection?

The patient should seek emergency help if the infection has become so painful and cannot be managed with over-the-counter medication. If the patient has developed a fever, has chills, is vomiting, or exhibiting other symptoms of having a dental abscess.

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What does stage 3 gum disease look like?

Stage 3: Moderate periodontal disease

The symptoms of moderate periodontal disease are the same as slight periodontal disease, although probing depths will be deeper, between six and seven millimeters. With those deeper pockets between your teeth and gums, even more bacteria attacks your teeth and jawbone.

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What does stage 2 gingivitis look like?

Stage 2: Periodontitis

At this stage, the supporting bones and fibers that hold your teeth in place have been irreversibly damaged. Your gums begin to form “pockets,” deep hollow areas around the teeth that trap food, plaque, and bacteria. Your gums will recede and form gaps between your teeth.

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What does stage 3 periodontitis look like?

Stage 3: Advanced Periodontitis

As the infection worsens, the pockets may also fill with pus. At this point your teeth might loosen or fall out. This stage of gum disease is irreversible, though dental implants (replacement teeth) are one option for people suffering from serious periodontitis.

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Can you be hospitalized for tooth infection?

When treated in a timely fashion, dental infections or “abscesses” can normally be managed in the an office setting. Unfortunately if left untreated, dental abscesses can have serious consequences requiring hospitalization. This is why its so critical to see your dentist if you have a dental infection.

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How fast can you go septic from tooth infection?

While it takes a long time for a tooth infection to become fatal, it's possible for a tooth infection to develop into sepsis if left untreated. Typically, this process takes a few months. And even though it may feel like your pain subsides when the abscess bursts, don't be fooled.

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How do I know if I have sepsis from a tooth infection?

Signs of bacteremia could be slight fever, nausea and distal infection. Rarely, bacteremia may resolve on its own. It also may progress into septicemia, a more serious blood infection that is always accompanied by symptoms such as chills, high fever, rapid heartbeat, severe nausea, vomiting and confusion.

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How painful is a gum infection?

Symptoms of an abscess in your tooth or gum may include: an intense, throbbing pain in the affected tooth or gum that may come on suddenly and gets gradually worse. pain that spreads to your ear, jaw and neck on the same side as the affected tooth or gum. pain that's worse when lying down, which may disturb your sleep.

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How do you flush out a gum infection?

Swishing the solution of equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water around your mouth and spitting can reduce plaque and bleeding of gums. An affordable yet effective way of treating gum infection is swishing a solution of baking soda in water with a pinch of salt.

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Can a gum infection go without antibiotics?

A dental abscess is a build-up of pus in the teeth or gums caused by an infection. It needs urgent treatment by a dentist. A dental abscess will not go away on its own.

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Can gum disease make you sick?

Gum disease may increase your risk of getting respiratory infections, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia, according to the Journal of Periodontology. The infections might be caused when bacteria from the mouth are inhaled into your lungs, possibly causing your airways to become inflamed.

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