Based on your answers, the health adviser will: send an ambulance for you if you need one. refer you to an urgent care service. refer you to another healthcare professional (such as a GP or dentist)
111 is a free number to call when you have an urgent healthcare need that isn't a life-threatening situation. Following a short assessment NHS 111 will direct you to the right service, at the right time and as close to your home as possible.
NHS 111 helps people get the right advice and treatment when they urgently need it. Clinicians, such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists and paramedics now play an important role in NHS 111. In fact, over 50% of people who call 111 speak to someone in one of these roles.
Call 111 to speak to someone if you need to: discuss complex medical problems. discuss worries about a long-term condition. get end-of-life care, or report a death.
What if I miss the call? A nurse will try and call you up to 3 times. If they cannot contact you they will leave a message, but you will not be able to call them back. You will have to start your assessment again.
NHS England data shows it took an average of 82 seconds, or around one and a half minutes, for South East London 111 helpline operators to answer calls from people seeking medical help in September – 19 times longer than in April (four seconds).
Members of the public called the NHS 111 service 1.4 million times last month, an increase of 8% compared with the same time last year. 38,000 people received help via the phone line each day last month, contributing to the total of 16 million calls to 111 in the past twelve months.
When should I call NHS 111? If you're worried about an urgent medical concern, call 111 and speak to a fully trained adviser. For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist.
It should take 8 minutes for the ambulance to arrive if the call is life threatening or an emergency. Ambulance services often send more than one vehicle to try to meet the 8 minute target.
911 is a carryover from dial telephones. You want a number that is easy to dial when needed, but not so easy to dial by mistake. 111 was the easiest number to dial, but so easy that a child could dial it while playing with a telephone. Hence 911.
Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobile phones, so it won't cost you a penny. 6. Is the NHS 111 service available 24/7? Yes, NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Patients should only call 999 if there is risk to life or a patient is critically unwell. Ambulances will be dispatched where clinically appropriate to the most serious cases only. For other health needs, use NHS111 online or contact your local pharmacy or local GP.
Use NHS 111 online ( or call 111 if you think you need medical help right now. We can direct you to the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP during the day, or when your GP is closed (out-of-hours). Depending on what you need, you might be advised to: call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency.
Ambulances Can Get To The Closest Emergency Room Faster.
If you drive, you'll have to obey the speed limit and stop at red lights, halt for pedestrians, and find a place to park once you arrive at the emergency room.
111 always sends paramedics ime. Anyway, better safe than sorry. One of the triggers for an ambulance being sent out under emergency conditions is being unable to breathe, it's serious and a potential risk to life. The NHS is also risk averse so would want to make sure you were okay.
You cannot use this service to get: antibiotics for a new or recent problem.
NHS 111 can help if you need urgent medical help or you're not sure what to do. They will ask questions about your symptoms so you get the help you need. If you need to go to A&E, NHS 111 will book an arrival time.
111 service are very helpful and kind. I've been on the phone up to 50 mins before it was answered, however very helpful with my problems. Very quick response, very helpful staff.
Why is that? If the Wi-Fi Calling feature is enabled on your mobile phone, it could be interfering with your location when trying to ring the 111 service. To ensure that we can determine your correct location, you will need to turn off Wi-Fi Calling before dialing.
Did you know that there is another way to contact NHS 111 other than by phone? If you have a healthcare concern and you aren't sure where to go, you can go online to
See a GP urgently or call 111 if:
you or your child have a very bad cough that is getting worse. you've been in contact with someone with whooping cough and you're pregnant. you or your child has been in contact with someone with whooping cough and have a weakened immune system.
What does it mean if you see 111 or 1111? If you see 111 or any sequence of 1's, it could be a sign that new opportunities are on the way or that this is the start of a new beginning. It's likely a sign to trust what's happening in your life and recent ideas you've been having.
You cannot call 911. This number is used by emergency services in the United States and can't be used to call emergency services in Australia.
The emergency number in Australia is 000. This number connects you to Police, Fire or Ambulance services. Call to this service are free and can be made from any fixed or mobile phone.
Unlike North America, where 911 is the number for all dire emergencies, in Japan, different telephone numbers are used for notifying Police (110) and Fire/Ambulance (119) during emergencies.