Some of the D words for kids are dig, door, date, drink, dinosaur, deer, desk, donkey, dart, deep, dance, duck, dip, dab, den, dad, dent, dock, dark, dust, etc.
For example, 13 is written as Thirteen in English. All the numbers from 13 to 19, use the same suffix, i.e, “-teen” when written in words. Such as: 13 – Thirteen.
Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein is a tiny European nation: it is only 25km long! The country is located in an area that sits right between Austria and Switzerland. The citizens of Liechtenstein are native German speakers, and this nation is a very important cultural and financial haven.
Does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious have 34 letters?
On the other hand, English speakers around the world are familiar with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters). When it was first popularized in the 1964 film “Mary Poppins,” it was fun but meaningless and so it is still often left off lists of longest words.
According to the English for Students website, j, q, and z occur the least if you analyze the frequency of each letter in the entries of the 11th Concise Oxford Dictionary.
As you can guess, the letter Z is the least commonly used letter in the English alphabet. (In American English, this letter is “zee.”) The letter Q is the second least commonly used letter. In English words, Q is almost always followed by the letter U.