tercentennial. / (ˌtɜːsɛnˈtiːnərɪ) / adjective. of or relating to a period of 300 years.
pertaining to 300 years or a period of 300 years. marking the completion of such a period: a tricentennial celebration.
(ˌ)tər-ˈsen-tə-ˌner-ē plural tercentenaries. : a 300th anniversary or its celebration.
A tercentenary is a day or a year which is exactly three hundred years after an important event such as the birth of a famous person.
qua·ter·cen·te·na·ry ˌkwä-tər-sen-ˈte-nə-rē -ˈsen-tə-ˌner-ē -sen-ˈtē-nə-rē : a 400th anniversary or its celebration.
bi·cen·ten·ni·al ˌbī-(ˌ)sen-ˈte-nē-əl. : a 200th anniversary or its celebration.
Definitions of tercentenary. the 300th anniversary (or the celebration of it) synonyms: tercentennial, triennial.
To be judged as being in a number one position or to be leading a long-runing competition: I'm top of the wozza in the boss's eyes. Or: I'm top of the wozza in the footy tipping competition.
pertaining to or in honor of a 200th anniversary: bicentennial celebration; a bicentennial exposition. consisting of or lasting 200 years: a bicentennial period.
A centenary is the hundredth anniversary of some event. When your great grandfather turns 100, his birthday party will be the centenary of his birth. If your town is celebrating its centenary, that means it's exactly 100 years old.
A millennium (plural millennia or millenniums) is a period of one thousand years, sometimes called a kiloannum (ka), or kiloyear (ky).
Since in Latin mille means "thousand", a millennium lasts 1,000 years.
There is presently nothing that comes next. Some terms referenced do have year values assigned to them (Epoch at 1,000,000 years and Aeon at 1,000,000,000 years) but common usage relates to geological time periods which are not consistent in length.
The ones used in astrophysics and cosmology are: Millenium = 1,000 years. Myr - Megayear = 1 million years. Gyr - Gigayear = 1 billion years.
An eon consists of a billion years. However, a supereon is thought to consist of multiple eons: several billion years. While a supereon has been used by notable sources, it is not widely recognized or acknowledged.
"Wakka" was assigned the meaning "no" by Western linguists who documented the Wakawaka language. Ethnonyms based on the duplication of the respective words for "no" were said to be markers distinguishing one tribe from another in the area, as is also the case with the adjacent Gubbi Gubbi.
/ (ˈfræŋə) / noun. Australian slang a condom.
Derro, a slang Australian term for a dishevelled & unkempt person - synonymous with the American term wino. Abbreviated from Derelict. Derro, an evil subrace of underdark-dwelling dwarves in the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game.
tri•cen•ten•ni•al (trī′sen ten′ē əl), adj. pertaining to 300 years or a period of 300 years. marking the completion of such a period:a tricentennial celebration.
(ˈblaiðsəm, ˈblaiθ-) adjective. lighthearted; merry; cheerful. a blithesome nature.
1. : sustained and bitter railing and condemnation : vituperative utterance. 2. : an act or instance of vituperating.
Semiquincentennial - Probably a modern coined term: semi- (half) × quin (5) × cen(t)- (100) × centennial (250. years). Bicenquinquagenary - Used by Princeton University in. 1996 and Washington and Lee University in 1999.
Sesquicentennial: Celebrating 150 Years.
According to Wikipedia, the preferred term for a 250th anniversary is Sestercentennial. The number 2½ is expressed in Latin as "half-three". The term relates to being halfway from the second integer to the third integer.