Being enamored of something or with someone goes far beyond liking them, and it's even more flowery than love. Enamored means smitten with, or totally infatuated.
Agape is the highest level of love to offer. It's given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering Agape is a decision to spread love in any circumstances — including destructive situations.
As a result, the following words, and more, are tossed in: unconditional and conditional, free, passionate, romantic, selfless and self, playful, divine, maternal and paternal, brotherly and sisterly, eternal and endless.
The more I practice yoga, and the more I go through life, the more I realise that the most important thing we need to sort out to be able to show up in the world as our authentic selves, is to learn to love ourselves.
Unconditional love is saying I will love you even if you are not perfect. Genuine love is the final state of affection when you say, “I love you” with a smile. This is my personal view on genuine love. Genuine love is more than unconditional.
amorousness. a feeling of love or fondness. amorous. inclined toward or displaying love. amour.
True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects you as a couple that wants the best for the other person regardless of what that means for them. It is the foundation for a healthy, loving relationship. True love is authentic and genuine.
Loving someone the way they are and loving them until your last breath without expecting anything in return is the purest form of love. If your heart is pure and your intentions are true, only then can you say that you are blessed enough to feel that love in your life for someone.
But humans and all other mammals share one kind of love, the bond between a mother and her offspring. The universality of this attachment suggests that it's the original, ancestral form of bonding – the first kind of love, from which all others evolved.
Love can be fleeting, so making a commitment shows your love is something stronger than an emotion. Commitment is choosing to stick with someone in spite of feelings or circumstances, so it transcends mere love.
"Friendship is the sweetest form of love. So when i say I'll be your friend till the end, its as good as saying I'll keep you in my heart till its very last beat."
someone being patient with you is one of the softest form of love.
There isn't one definitive authority on an idea that is equal parts folklore, science, and psychology. But, there is compelling evidence that suggests soulmates, in one form or another, are real.
Pheromones are often called "love chemicals." The substances are produced by many animals and insects to attract the opposite sex. For example, a male moth senses chemicals secreted by a distant fertile female, drops what he's doing, and seeks her out to mate.
On this page you'll find 12 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to crazy about, such as: enamored of, enthusiastic, fascinated, keen on, loving, and wild about.