The handle drop refers to the distance between the tip of the handle strap to the top edge of the bag. With the handle drop measurement, you can ascertain if the top handle may be carried through your lower arm and/or over your wrist.
One way to measure strap length is called Strap Drop. It's the vertical distance between the bag opening and the top of your shoulder (where the strap would sit), and it's a really helpful measurement for shoulder bags and totes.
The drop length on a purse is the measurement of the handles or shoulder straps of a purse. This measurement is always taken at the top of the purse at the lowest point.
The strap length is measured from one end to the other, including the attachable hooks/hardware. Please note that "strap length" is different from "drop length" which measures the distance from the top of the strap to the top of the bag, when being worn.
Most Common Handle / Strap Length of Tote Bags
The standard and most common straps that create an ease of use are around 20”-22” in length with a 9”-1” drop. This gives the bag enough size to be carried over the shoulder and easily reached inside.
a place, usually at an airport, where you can leave your cases and bags to be put on a plane if you have already checked in for the flight: At the airport customers can leave luggage at the bag drop and go straight through to security.
Shoulder straps are generally in the 30-inch range and are typically used to carry bags closely under your arm and close to the body. This is a popular bag strap length because the strap can also function as a top-handle for other bag styles, such as a tote.
Some stylists recommend an 18-inch drop for women 5' 2" and shorter. Depending on how you'd want your bag to fall on your hips, a drop of about 20 inches matches well with women up to 5' 6." For women 5' 8" or taller, a drop of 22 inches or more might be more apt.
A strap length that's too short or long can be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and even have an unflattering effect on the body. Ideally, your crossbody bag should hit just above the hip. This allows it to be easily accessible and prevents your hip from jostling around the contents too much.
Don't forget that you'll also be able to drop anything from your pack which you will no longer be needing. For drop bag frequency, a good rule of thumb is to use one about every 15-20 miles, meaning you'd use only one bag in a 50k, two in a 50-miler, three in a 100k, and four or five in a 100-miler.
At most ultra races, runners are allowed to use “drop bags,” in which they place personal gear, and which race organizers transport to designated aid stations. Choose a bag that stands out from the stack, such as a bright color.
Drop length relates to the length of the shoulder strap on a handbag. Specifically, it is the distance from the top of the folded shoulder strap to the top of the bag as shown in this photo.
The strap length is the measurement of the whole strap from top to tail. For one-piece straps, the total length is measured, resulting in one measurement (e.g., 200mm). For two-piece straps, it's typical to use two measurements: one for the buckle side and one for the tail (long) side.
The general consensus is that strap width should be approximately 50% of the watch case's diameter (see chart below). Those with slim wrists often favour a strap with a smaller width to achieve visual balance, and vice versa for individuals with thicker wrists.
As with jewelry, watch bands are manufactured to standard lengths. For women, the standard is between 6 3/4 inches and 8 inches, depending on the style and manufacturer. For men, the standard watch band measures between 7 3/4 inches and 9 1/2 inches, again, depending on the style and manufacturer.
The 60" length should work well for most people, but for shorter, taller, personal preference, etc., you may need to adjust accordingly. For a small child, a shorter length is definitely suggested. And of course, an adjustable strap does not have to be used as a crossbody strap.