Even if you haven't heard of splooting, odds are you've seen it and smiled wide. "Sploot" is a slang term for the position pets take when they lay on their stomach with their legs stretched out behind them.
If your cat enjoys splooting this should not be cause for concern. Unless there are other accompanying symptoms, such as a loss of appetite, a rash on their underside, or limping, splooting is perfectly normal and is actually beneficial because it stretches the animal's hips and increases flexibility.
“VERB (intransitive): (of an animal) to lie flat on the stomach with the hind legs stretched out behind the body." The entry adds, helpfully, that the word's origin is probably 21st-century slang “perhaps altered from splat.” A dog in Brayton, England, takes the sploot position. ( Clare Jackson/EyeEm/Getty Images)
A cat will sploot because they are terrific at contorting and bending their bodies in such a way that would be downright painful for us. Kittens and younger cats are more likely to sploot due to their loose joints, but really any cat can perform this adorable frog sit.
Sometimes cats tuck their paws when they are resting and feeling extremely comfortable and relaxed. Much like a human might prop their feet up while reading a favorite book or watching a movie, relaxed cats sometimes tuck their paws under their bodies. Most of the time, cats are on high alert.
It is a common behavioral interaction that cats usually engage in. This ritualistic "small bite" can be perceived as an act of affection between cat and owner, mainly if the petted animal happens to curl up with its human partner. Your cat is showing you how much they care by giving affectionate licks and bites.
While the exact origins of sploot are unclear, lexicographer Grant Barrett of the A Way with Words radio show has suggested that the term sploot may riff on the word splat to characterize the splat-like (flat, spread-out) appearance of a sploot pose.
The most common signs of an unhappy cat are cowering, hissing, and fleeing. But sometimes your cat may not show obvious signs of stress. This is why as a pet owner you should have knowledge of how cats behave when they're depressed.
Cats cannot distinguish their owners by staring at them because their faces appear identical when they are at rest. Instead, cats distinguish between humans using sound and smell. Cats learn to identify their owner's voice, and regardless of whether they're wearing cologne, their skin emits a distinct aroma.
This is a genetic condition that is only common in certain breeds of large dogs. These include Great Danes, German Shepherds, Saint Bernards and Labrador Retrievers among so many more. It is most notable as pain and weakness in their legs, which can be seen in their wobbly movement or limping.
There isn't a scientific explanation for this posture, and it boils down to personal preference. Just as some humans prefer to cross their legs while others tend to keep them straight, some animals sploot and others don't.
It's a move often associated with Corgi puppies, Dachshunds, French Bulldogs, and Pitbulls, but every breed of dog can be a splooter. It's prominent among German Shepherds and Labradors that lay flat for a good stretch.
From a young age a cat's mother would not only lick them as a way of grooming them, but also to show affection. Cats then replicate this behaviour with you as a way of showing their own affection – it simply comes naturally. This licking behaviour is not just exclusive between pet and owner.
Your cat is following you because they want your attention
Perhaps they're afraid of something or they may be feeling ill and this has caused a change in their behaviour. Sometimes cats experiencing distress will also want to keep as close to their owner as possible.
Marking Their Territory
1 When a cat sleeps on you, it marks you with its scent so it can be reassured that you smell familiar and safe. Even cats who enjoy solitude may rub and head-butt their owners as part of the same scent-marking process.
It appears that cats can sense human moods as well as depression. Cats are observant and intuitive, and this allows them to understand emotional cues from humans. So when you are depressed, they can sense that too. In particular, cats may come in closer proximity when their fur parents are depressed.
Cons of Indoor Cats
Because cats enjoy roaming and exploring, keeping them inside can lead to boredom. Some indoor cats also experience depression and separation anxiety. To prevent these issues, you must take steps to meet your cat's needs.
Loafing is when a pet pulls all its legs beneath it to form what looks like a furry loaf of bread.
Sploot is a villain who made a cameo appearance in "Ken 10". He was sent to the Null Void in the same episode by Ben 10,000. It is revealed in Ken 10 during the enhanced Ben 10 marathon during Ben 10 Week that Sploot is an out of control science experiment from Omnitrix City.
Some cat owners fear that keeping their cat confined to the inside will decrease their quality of life, but most vets claim that indoor cats are just as happy as outdoor cats.
According to a study1 published in 2019 in the journal Scientific Reports, cats do, in fact, recognize their own names. The lead author of the study is a behavioral scientist named Atsuko Saito from Sophia University in Tokyo, whose prior research2 demonstrated that cats can recognize their owners' voices.