The 5 AM Club is a 2018 international bestseller by Robin Sharma, a Canadian self-help writer and leadership expert. His method is simple: wake up at five AM and spend the first hour of your day focusing on yourself. Waking early and enjoying some undistracted time helps you set yourself up for success.
His 20/20/20 formula calls for 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reflection (journaling, meditating, or quiet contemplation), and 20 minutes devoted to growth (reading, reviewing your goals, or studying a topic of interest). The three components of this hour prime your body and mind for a productive day.
The concept of the 5am Club is a simple one to get your head around. You rise at the ungodly hour of 5am whilst the rest of your household is sound asleep, all in the name of productivity and distraction-free self-development.
They say that the hours before midnight count as double. And the earlier one goes to bed, the easier it will be to get up early! So if you are waking up at 5am, you still need a good 7-9 hours' sleep. This means hitting the sack at around 8-10pm.
The 60/10 Method: After running your 90/90/1 segment, use the time to work at your best for 60 minutes. Then refuel for 10 minutes by listening to music or taking a walk. The Second Wind Workout: Schedule a second workout at the end of your day to give you a second wind for a great evening.
Sharma explains that an individual must understand the four interior empires – mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset.
About this template. The 90/90/1 Rule (90 Days, 90 Minutes, 1 Goal), introduced by Robin Sharma, recommends allocating 90 minutes every day for the next 90 days to work on the top goal that we want to achieve. This template helps you identify that goal and track your progress over the 90 day period.
Since you're getting up so early, you learn to develop healthier habits. You'll go to bed earlier, which, by default, steers you away from some of the bad habits people tend to indulge in at night.
When you first get started, you may need to take a nap during the day…and THAT'S OK! If you need to take naps or go to bed even earlier to get through these 66 days, do it. Make space for it. Remember, you are aligning your Circadian Rhythm during these 66 days, and your body will thank you for it in the end.
Almost without exception, successful people start their day early. Many say they get up between 5 am and 6 am. Rising early is particularly great for those who work from home or have small children, because they can accomplish work tasks without interruption.
Some experts say yes. For starters, getting up earlier can improve confidence, Snowden says, because it can feel like an accomplishment. And there's something to be said for not constantly feeling like you're in a rush, which only elevates stress levels and negatively impacts mental health.
Waking up at 5 AM gives you time to yourself, making it an excellent opportunity to plan out your day and identify your goals. Merely waking up at this time will provide you with a significant productivity boost and leave you more motivated to get stuff done.
You'll never be late
Wake up at 5am, however, and you'll suddenly have time to get up to date on current affairs, thoroughly wash and groom yourself and make a hearty – not to mention healthy – breakfast. And, with your pace significantly more leisurely, you'll also never be late to work.
When your alarm goes off in the morning, count backward from 5. But before doing that, make a promise to yourself that you will get out of bed once you've gotten to the number 1. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Work at your best for sixty minutes straight, quietly with utmost focus. Just concentrate. After your sixty-minute productivity sprint is done, refuel for ten minutes.
My version of the Hour Rule is a bit different than some other sleep consultants choose to use. Most will explain the Hour Rule to mean one hour in the crib. If your child falls asleep prior to that hour ending, then you get your child up the moment they wake.
Among the famous members of the Club are Michelle Obama and Tim Cook (CEO of Apple). And well, Mozart and Hemingway also got up before dawn.
Balance your mental health- Research has proven that those who wake up early have shown better mental health symptoms. They are optimistic, satisfied and feel positive about situations. It also lowers the chance of mental illnesses which is usually found in those who go to sleep late and wake up late.
But it's not TRUE. It's a fiction story of 4 main characters. The story begins with the entrepreneur character who lost most of her shares and she is so close to the situation where she is going to be fired by the company she started.
Rise at 5 am #2. Spend your first 20 minutes on exercise #3. Invest the next 20 working on your plan/goals/dreams #4. Devote the last 20 to learning #5.
The 20 + 20 + 20 Rule he teaches to his business clients to unleash massive energy and productivity: First 20 minutes of your day in exercise. Second 20 minutes reviewing your goals and daily plan. Last 20 minutes reading something inspiring or listening to audiobooks so you outperform who you were yesterday.
The 60/10 method - Work in 60 minute sprints and relax for 10. You can use Pomodoro for that. The 30 second habit - Take 30 seconds after every meeting to write down the most important points for retention.