In summary, between 8 and 10 years old, children learn to mentally combine, separate, order, and transform objects and actions. They learn to conserve mass and area, with many also learning to conserve volume. Their ability to apply logic and reason increases, as does their ability to focus attention.
Thinking and reasoning (cognitive development)
Can read and understand longer sentences up to 12 words. Can add and subtract 2-digit numbers, can understand fractions, and are learning how to borrow and carry values. Like organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends. Think independently.
Preoperational stage (2–7 years old) Concrete operational stage (7–11 years old) Formal operational stage (11 years old through adulthood)
Early adolescence (ages 8-12) They are capable of perspective taking and understand and consider other's perspectives. They begin to think hypothetically, considering several possibilities, and can think logically. They begin using and manipulating symbols representationally.
The term cognitive development refers to the process of growth and change in intellectual/mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. It includes the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge.
At this age:
Your child is better at discerning what other people (e.g., their friends, their parents, other adults) are thinking and feeling in social situations. They can put themself in other people's shoes, which makes them better at resolving conflicts and empathizing.
At this age, children are still largely concrete thinkers but are beginning to be able to think in more abstract ways, and about more abstract concepts. Most children are reliably able to see things from another's perspective and, because of this, can show genuine empathy for another's experiences and feelings.
Thinking and reasoning (cognitive development)
Can read and understand a paragraph of complex sentences. Are reading books with chapters. Are skilled in addition and subtraction. They are building skills in multiplication, division, and fractions.
In Piaget's stages of cognitive development, the 9- to 11-year-old child has entered the period of "concrete operations." This time span is characterized by the developing capability of organizing thought processes and use of deductive reasoning to successfully anticipate consequences.
Children this age are able to demonstrate abstract thinking. For example, they can understand shades of gray, wrestle with abstract concepts like love or justice, and formulate values based on thinking and analyzing as opposed to only by feeling or experiencing.
Middle Childhood (9-11 years of age)
From ages 6 to 10, they gradually think in more complex ways. For example, children advance from understanding simple sentences to being able to interpret complicated content within a paragraph. They grow from writing a few words at a time to composing complex stories and reports.
At 6-8 years, you can expect sophisticated play, stronger friendships, tricky emotions, improved thinking and physical skills, and more. Support development by encouraging children to explore ideas, focusing on children's strengths, reading together, and talking about tough topics.
Mental Skills
Become able to understand the viewpoint of others: are aware that others can have different thoughts. Can focus on several aspects of a problem at a time. Can concentrate on what they do for longer periods of time. Increased problem-solving ability, but not yet like an adult.
They are usually able to think logically and know the difference between fantasy and reality. They get better at problem-solving skills, show a longer attention span, become increasingly aware of time and the world around them, and learn to organize and plan.
At this stage, children experience changes such as these:
Increase in large-muscle coordination, leading to success in organized sports and games. Increase in small-muscle coordination, allowing them to learn complex craft skills. Refinement of finger control. Increased stamina (They can run and swim farther.)
During this period, children are advancing toward adolescence, and peer friendships start to become very important in their social and emotional development. They have a growing sense of independence, and with it, a growing confidence to solve problems and perhaps take risks.
Children ages 6 to 12, usually think in concrete ways (concrete operations). This can include things like how to combine, separate, order, and transform objects and actions. Adolescence marks the beginning development of more complex thinking processes (also called formal logical operations).
Physical development
Most young people ages nine to 12 will: Experience a growth spurt with significant weight gain, muscle growth, and genital maturation (Growth spurt begins earlier for girls; lasts longer for boys, who end up taller).
Development during this period will center on how children process language, literacy and creative arts. They will move from always viewing something in a concrete way (just the facts) to being able to look at things with an abstract approach (having multiple meanings).
Some intellectual development milestones you may notice in seven to 11-year-olds include: A longer attention span and willing to take on more responsibility such as chores. Understand fractions, money and the concept of space. Can tell time and name months and days of week in order.
Eight-year-olds can be stubborn, slamming doors and rolling their eyes, in their attempts to establish their independence and individuality. Acting like doing their chores is an act of torture is common, and straight-up ignoring their parents is an 8-year-old hallmark.
A child age 8 to 9: Likes competition and games. Starts to mix friends and play with children of the opposite gender. Is modest about his or her body.