Germany, France, and Italy are three of the most dog-friendly countries in Europe, with a great selection of accommodation and the option of bringing your dog with you in most restaurants, stores, and public transportation.
Traveling With Dogs in Germany
Germany is a very dog-friendly country. They are allowed almost everywhere (besides grocery stores) with only the rare Kein Hund erlaubt ("No dogs allowed"). This is made possible because most German dogs are very well-behaved.
Australia is a wonderful country for pets; it has many pet-friendly public spaces as well as a plethora of pet-friendly activities to enjoy with your furry friend. However, the country has strict biosecurity regulations that protect the local flora and fauna from exotic and introduced diseases.
Yes, you can, you just need to follow a few important rules. Your pet will need to be microchipped, hold a pet passport or third-country official veterinary certificate, have a valid vaccination against rabies and other requirements, depending on where your pet will be travelling from.
Margaret River is a small town south of Perth in Western Australia, known for wineries, breweries, surf breaks and whale sightings. Many of the beaches, campsites, wineries and breweries are dog-friendly, making Margaret River the ideal holiday spot to bring your dog.
Dogs in Europe are simply raised that way. They start walking around people and other dogs as young pups. Puppies learn to behave in public by observing the way other dogs conduct themselves. Their constant exposure causes them to become desensitized to the presence of other people and dogs.
Pet Friendly Trains in Europe. Your pet can travel with you on most trains in Europe including Rail Europe (except trains in Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Finland and Norway) and RailJet. Only service dogs traveling with visually impared passengers are permitted on Eurostar trains.
Your pet must be microchipped. Your pet must be vaccinated against rabies – your pet must be at least 12 weeks old before it can be vaccinated. Wait 21 days after the primary vaccination before travel. Visit your vet to get an AHC for your pet, no more than 10 days before travel to the EU or NI.
Italy is one of the most pet-friendly countries in Europe. Italians love their puppies and many families have one or more pet dogs. Pet dogs are allowed in most public places, including most tourist attractions.
World Animal Protection's Animal Protection Index (API) focuses on legislation that has been passed to recognize animal sentience and to prohibit animal suffering, as well as other legal safeguards. At the top of their list are the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland.
Accounting for the number of registered dogs (excluding strays), major cities via academic reports, official government statistics, new stories, and respected sources, the study concluded with Houston having the highest dog-to-person ratio in the world, with 52.1 dogs per 100 humans.
The Netherlands has officially become the first country without stray dogs! Holland has had a large dog population since the 19th century. As it was viewed as a symbol of social standing, nearly every family had a dog.
Australia has a ban on aggressive dog breeds that were specifically bred for fighting. Importing these breeds to Australia is not permitted by law. This ban is in place to safeguard the public and other animals.
In Islamic culture, dogs are perceived as 'ritually impure'. Apparently, the Prophet Muhammad once said that dogs may only be kept for acceptable reasons, such as farming, hunting or herding. In these instances though, the dog should be kept outside the home.
These dogs are sometimes rounded up and sold as meat in Vietnam and China. It is estimated that there are about 8.5 million dogs in Thailand, of which about 730,000 are abandoned by their owners. Bangkok alone is estimated to have from 100,000 to 300,000 street dogs. Few have been vaccinated against canine diseases.
London ranks first as the top most dog-friendly city across the globe, taking the lead with 834 dog walking services, 163 parks, 240 pet stores, 92 paw-friendly rentals and 71 dog-friendly restaurants.
If you want to keep more than two dogs, you will need to apply for a permit. To find out more about applying for a permit, refer to permit to keep dogs or contact Council. The keeping of more than four dogs over the age of three months is prohibited, unless the keeper is a breeder.