The ISFP. These types tend to have varying responses to anger. According to the MBTI® Manual, they are the type most likely to get angry and show it, as well as the type most likely to get angry and not show it. This goes to show that no two people of the same type are exactly alike.
According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs were the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well as the type most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.
The ENTJ will likely snap on that person rather quickly, which is why they are considered to have a short temper.
Intuitive Thinking personality types are the most likely of all of the types to be argumentative, according to research led by Donald Loffredo, Ed. D, at the University of Houston. ENTJs in particular tended to score as highly argumentative.
The MBTI-occultists claim it is ENTP or ENTJ, due to how one has a constant tendency to debate and insult meanwhile the other has an authoritarian nature and a demanding presence. Others claim that ESTJ are the most mean due to how their authoritarian tendency is based on their strictness.
INTJs are typically very quiet and reserved unless they happen to meet someone who, like them, loves exploring theoretical concepts, analyzing possibilities, and dreaming up long-term goals. That said, they're not typically very verbal when it comes to discussing their feelings or people's personal lives.
The introverted (I) intuitive (N) types (“INs”)—INFJ, INFP, INTJ and INTP—are among the most “sensitive” of the personality types.
One thing to know about ENTJs is they're extremely self-confident, sometimes bordering on arrogant. This means they often have problems with authority. They dislike being told what to do and quickly get irritated if they feel like someone is dictating their actions.
The INFP may be the toughest personality type of all for others to understand. They are seemingly easy-going and carefree, but when it comes to their values, they can become suddenly uncompromising.
Perhaps the most sensitive of all the personality types, INFJs take it hard when someone they trust lets them down. They tend to hold on to anger longer than they should and are capable of holding a grudge even when the other person has apologized, repeatedly, for their wrongdoing.
Of all the personality types, ENTJs are arguably the ones who care least about other people's opinions of them. This is not a personality type who sugarcoats things or cares what others think of them. They are decisive, assertive and extremely blunt. Once you realize this is just the ENTJ way then you'll be fine.
The INFP. Deep and introspective, INFPs direct most of their conscious energy to discover meaning and achieving inner harmony with their values. They are one of the most emotionally analytical personality types – having depths and complexities to their emotions that others may only briefly glimpse.
ENTJs are one of the most impatient personality types around but that's both their strength and their weakness. The natural impatience of many ENTJs is what drives them to do more and be more, but it can also lead to conflict and restlessness.
ISTJs are the coldest, because of Extraverted Feeling being their Trickster function. Because the Trickster function is the function that is rebelled against, ISTJs tend to really dislike outward displays of emotion, whether that be their own or someone else's.
INFP. INFPs are often extremely forgiving individuals, simply because they understand that everyone makes mistakes.
ESFP. ESFPs are highly emotional individuals. They feel everything very deeply and the intensity of their emotions is so strong that they can find them completely overwhelming. ESFPs are one of the personality types who are most comfortable with expressing their emotions and sharing their thoughts.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, uses four dichotomies to indicate a person's psychological preference. When used in studies alongside religion, it has been shown that NT types, mostly INTP and ENTP are more likely to be atheist.
They're probably ISFJs, who feel super uncomfortable with the prospect of hurting anyone's feelings. "They tend to be wallflowers and can sometimes stumble over their words," says Owens. They'll likely skip the inflammatory family dinner conversation—even if they're Zooming in from thousands of miles away.
ENFJs ranked as being highly dominant according to the CPI™ tool. These goal-oriented individuals can surprise people with their assertiveness, especially since they are more often known for their warmth and empathy.
INTJ. INTJs are often misunderstood simply because there are so few of them around. Making up only 2.1% of the US population, they understand the world in a fundamentally different way than most other types. While the rest of the world looks first to tangible data, INTJs follow symbols and underlying meanings first.
According to Truity, INTP is the most common MBTI type among college students committing alcohol and drug policy violations.
The ESFP. Obnoxious ESFPs want to create excitement and will go to any lengths to do so. They tend to speak loudly, make mischief, or embarrass themselves or others to get a laugh.
Most Chill: ISTPs are like zen-masters. Their default state of mind in the face of adversity is calm, intense confidence.
INFJ. A quiet kid who relished time on your own, you read constantly and studied because you loved it—not because you had to.
Which personality type lacks empathy? Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder exhibit a grandiose sense of self-importance, need for excessive admiration, and lack of empathy.