What religion Cannot drink milk?

Eastern Orthodox Christians – if practicing, there will be weekly fasts that require abstention from alcohol, eggs, dairy, fish, meat, and olive oil. There are other fasts that are longer and are more exclusionary in their food choices.

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What religion does not drink milk?

Some Hindus do not eat ghee, milk, onions, eggs, coconut, garlic, domestic fowl or salted pork. Alcohol is generally avoided.

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Why do Jews not mix meat and milk?

The Torah forbids the cooking and consumption of any milk with any meat to prevent one from cooking a kid in its mother's milk. According to Kabbalah, meat represents gevurah (the Divine attribute of Judgment) and milk represents chesed (the Divine attribute of Kindness).

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What are Hindu not allowed to eat?

Lacto-vegetarianism is favored by many Hindus, which includes milk-based foods and all other non-animal derived foods, but it excludes meat and eggs.

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What food can Jews not eat?

Kashrut—Jewish dietary laws

Certain foods, notably pork, shellfish and almost all insects are forbidden; meat and dairy may not be combined and meat must be ritually slaughtered and salted to remove all traces of blood. Observant Jews will eat only meat or poultry that is certified kosher.

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Can Vegans Consume Milk? | Sivarama Swami

22 related questions found

What is forbidden to eat in Christianity?

The only dietary restrictions specified for Christians in the New Testament are to "abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meat of strangled animals" (Acts 15:29), teachings that the early Church Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen, preached for believers to follow.

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What can Muslims and Jews not eat?

As it is not possible to cover all aspects of kosher and halal food in a short paper, we focus on examining the prohibition on Jews and Muslims on eating pork, human flesh and blood from all sources and, particularly, using the blood of mammals in the preparation of food.

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What foods do Buddhist not eat?

Food is prepared as a spiritual exercise with attention to balance, harmony, and delicacy. Conscious eating is followed among all Buddhists. Buddha advised monks to avoid eating 10 kinds of meat for self-respect and protection: humans, elephants, horses, dogs, snakes, lions, tigers, boars and hyenas.

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What foods do Muslims not eat?

Forbidden food substances include alcohol, pork, carrion, the meat of carnivores and animals that died due to illness, injury, stunning, poisoning, or slaughtering not in the name of God.

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What religion can't eat pork?

Both Judaism and Islam have prohibited eating pork and its products for thousands of years. Scholars have proposed several reasons for the ban to which both religions almost totally adhere. Pork, and the refusal to eat it, possesses powerful cultural baggage for Jews.

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Why can't Jews get tattoos?

Tattoos can be prohibited in Judaism based on the Torah (Leviticus 19:28): "You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord." The prohibition is explained by contemporary rabbis as part of a general prohibition on body modification (with the exception of ...

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Can Jews eat lasagna?

Background. During Passover, Jewish law prohibits the consumption of food items other than matzo that are made with wheat or other similar grains. Given these restrictions, some individuals will make lasagna by substituting matzo for traditional wheat pasta sheets.

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Are eggs kosher?

To be kosher, eggs must come from kosher fowl and be free of bloodspots in the white (albumin) and the yolk. Each egg must be checked individually after it is opened. If there is blood in an egg, it is forbidden. Eggs from a chicken that died are forbidden by rabbinic enactment.

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What races can't drink milk?

Lactase nonpersistence is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, with 70 to 100 percent of people affected in these communities. Lactase nonpersistence is also very common in people of West African, Arab, Jewish, Greek, and Italian descent.

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What cultures don't drink milk?

The exceptions are certain groups of humans, such as Hindus, Europeans, and their American descendants, who consume the milk of cows or other animals throughout their lives. A sizable majority of traditional cultures in the world do not drink milk, including most Asian and African populations.

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Can Muslims have dogs?

Dogs in Islam, as they are in Rabbinic Judaism, are conventionally thought of as ritually impure. This idea taps into a long tradition that considers even the mere sight of a dog during prayer to have the power to nullify a pious Muslim's supplications.

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Can Muslims eat cheese?

Milk and dairy Halal:

Milk. Yogurt, cheese, and ice creame made with bacterial culture without animal rennet.

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Can Muslims have milk?

Milk, cheese, yogurt and butter can all be eaten. Fruits and vegetables are also considered halal unless they are known to be poisonous. Vegetables may be pickled in brine or vinegar, but it cannot be fermented as ft gives an alcohol content to the food and this is not permitted.

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Which religion Cannot eat beef?

All of India's most widely practiced religions have dietary laws and traditions. For example, Hindu texts often praise vegetarianism, and Hindus may also avoid eating beef because cows are traditionally viewed as sacred. Muslim teachings, meanwhile, prohibit pork.

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Do Sikhs eat beef?

The Sikhs living in India are never seen or known to consume beef. And therefore, to reaffirm again, yes, the cow is as sacred for Sikhs as it is for their Hindu brothers, beyond any doubt.

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Why don't Buddhists eat eggs?

For those Buddhists that are following a vegetarian diet, eggs and poultry are not eaten. This is because they cause suffering to animals.

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Why do Muslims not eat pig?

Unlike many other forms of livestock, pigs are omnivorous scavengers, eating virtually anything they come across, including carrion and refuse, which was deemed unclean. Furthermore, a Middle Eastern society keeping large stocks of pigs could destroy their ecosystem.

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Can Muslims drink alcohol?

However, the dominant belief in Islam is that, not only is the consumption of alcohol in any of its forms forbidden, but Muslims should avoid even indirect association with alcohol.

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Can Jews eat lamb?

Roast lamb was eaten at Passover until A.D. 70, when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. In memory of this, the eating of roasted lamb was prohibited. But many Jews find lamb acceptable as long as it is not roasted but cooked in a pan with liquid.

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