Green tea should be near the top of the list when compiling a list of the healthiest beverages for anti-ageing. According to research, green tea can help prevent wrinkles, sun damage, and expression lines that are signs of ageing.
Ginger — contains essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6. Ginger has been shown to even skin tone and inhibit collagen breakdown — both contributing to keeping skin looking youthful. Watercress — A little bit goes a long way! Watercress is an anti-aging superfood.
“Retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) can rejuvenate the skin and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles,” Dr. Patel says. “Hyaluronic acid helps your skin retain moisture, which gives it a smooth, glowing look.” Opt for serums and night creams with retinol and AHAs, and a daily face moisturizer with hyaluronic acid.
Green Tea. Green tea is a great and healthy anti-aging option. It is slightly more oxidized than white tea for example and ranges from mellow and floral all the way to vegetal. High in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, green tea is amazing for reducing UV damage to the skin.
Studies have shown that white tea protects vital skin proteins – collagen and elastin – from breakdown, preventing the formation of fine lines; leading to a smoother and youthful appearance.
Oranges. Oranges are essential for skin care, just as much as lemons are. Filled with Vitamin C, oranges contain carotenoids that help prevent wrinkles and protect skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. So, having an orange anytime during the day can prove beneficial for the skin.
While over-exfoliating (every day) can lead to skin irritation, dryness and accelerated signs of aging, exfoliating two to three times per week (or just once if your skin is sensitive) can help keep pores from becoming clogged and leave the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Makkeoli combines Korea's two favourite past times – drinking and pampering. Unlike soju, this alcoholic drink is rich in vitamin B and amino acids helping to brighten your skin tone and improve any unevenness in your skin tone. It even works wonders for acne.
On the other hand, beets and oranges are power-houses of vitamin C, that protect your skin from free radicals, and give it a lasting glow! Not to forget, the red colour from the beet also gives you a natural blush when you drink this juice regularly.